Joyful love

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Season 2 Episode 26

Synopsis: Nico gets together with Stella and they both start spending romantic time together.

In the morning.

Nico is on the street and will buy flowers for his girlfriend Stella.

Nico: How much do these pink flowers cost?

Flower seller: It's 2 dollars.

Nico: Two dollars. Here it is. (Pay to seller)

Flower seller: Here you go.

Nico: Thanks.

Nico walks over and grabs and checks off the to-do list on the sheet.

Nico: Okay, the pink flowers. Check. Stella loves pink flowers very much. How romantic this day will be. Now the next list is: buy chocolates. I know exactly what chocolate she likes.

At the candy store.

Nico: Give me a heart-shaped box of chocolate.

The lady gives a box of chocolate to Nico and Nico pays the lady for the purchase.

Nico: Very good. Chocolates. Ready. I take it just in case if she provokes a sweet.

Nico leaves the candy store.

Nico: Now I'm going to visit Stella. Wait, I brought the heart decorated with cardboard and paper. Oh dang it. The surprising gift is in my house. Now I'm going home to pick it up.

A few minutes later, Nico arrives and goes into his house.

Nico: Here you are. (He grabs his craft and puts it in a bag) Check. Everything is complete. Now I'm going to Stella's house to give a beautiful surprise. It's time to spend time with my girlfriend. Today will be a great day.

Nico walks to Stella's house and rings the doorbell. Stella opens the door.

Nico: Hi Stella. Surprise!

Stella: Hello my fudge.

Nico: I brought you for you, sweetie. The pink flowers.

Stella: Oh thank you my Nico. How cute you are! (Smelling the flowers) What a scent. I'm going to leave it in my beautiful vase.

Stella leaves the pink flowers in her vase.

Stella: Ready. It turned out very beautiful.

Nico: Ready to go, honey.

Stella: Yes, I'm ready. Let's go. Mom, dad, Nico is here, I'm leaving.

Christina: Okay sweetie. Go carefully. Take care of yourself.

Josh: Take care Stella. Have a good time.

Stella: Thanks mom and dad.


Stella and Nico go for a walk holding hands.

Stella: Oh Nico. My beautiful teddy bear. You are so sweet and adorable and cute that I always adore you.

Nico: Owww Stella. You are also my very cheerful and affectionate girl. I love you.

Stella: I love you, baby.

They both hug each other as they walk.

Stella: Well, where are we going?

Nico: Can we go to the amusement park?

Stella: Yes. Of course. I love playing that funniest place.

Nico: Very good. I am also looking forward to going there. Let's take advantage of playing some fun games.

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