Love and laughter

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Season 2 Episode 27

Synopsis: Nico and Stella's love and laughter start to have a lot of fun with the fun activities that were already planned.

In the morning.

Nico and Stella are walking in the street.

Stella: As I was saying about it, my friends and I went to a beautiful and classic cafeteria where we had breakfast.

Nico: A classic coffee shop. I had never seen it. It's new?

Stella: Not exactly. It is always there and it is always open. My friend Tracy showed Chloe and me around the place, which I had never been to before, and it's a very bright and cute place. You are gonna like it.

Nico: Wow, let's see then let's take a look.

Nico and Stella arrive at the classic cafeteria.

Nico: Wow, is that the coffee shop you went to with your friends?

Stella: Yes, of course. Let's go inside and see what's inside.

Nico: Okay.

Stella and Nico walk into the classic diner.

Nico: Wow.

Nico looks at the place inside the cafeteria and is surprised.

Nico: It's amazing. It is majestic. Wow, what a nice cafe.

Stella: That is the cafeteria that I had visited for the first time, now it is the second time.

Nico: Let's see what's here. Wow, sandwiches, ice cream, wow there is delicious food.

Stella: These are the foods for breakfast. Breakfast only. It's great, isn't it?

Nico: Yeah, it's great.

Stella: Very good. Let's go find a new table to sit at. Come with me.

Nico: Okay.

Stella and Nico found a new seat. They both sit down and grab the menu from the table and start to watch.

Nico: Hmm. Let's see what's on this menu. Coffee. I do not drink coffee. Cold drinks, I don't like it that much. Sandwiches, oh that looks delicious. What sandwich is there. Turkey sandwich, chicken sandwich with ham, cheese and potato chips, vegetable sandwich, pannini sandwich. Wow, what delicious sandwiches. I want this chicken sandwich with ham, cheese and potato chips.

Stella: I want that sandwich too.

Nico: And to drink. What happened? There is no drink I would like to have. I want a new drink that I have never tried.

Stella: Oh Nico. I know a drink that you might like and I have tried it and I loved it so much.

Nico: Which one?

Stella: This drink. It's called Raspberry Grandmas Garden. It is the sweet and natural tea that I have tasted for the first time. The flavor is very good and delicious.

Nico: Wow, I've never tried that tea.

Stella: Yes. You should try it. You're going to love it. I already asked for this.

Nico: Okay. I'll order this to see how it is.

Stella: Great. I'm going to call the waitress to order.

20 minutes later.

The two waitresses leave the order on the table.

Stella: Thank you very much, waitress.

Nico: Thanks.

Waitress: Enjoy it.

Stella: Very good honey. Enjoy.

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