The dinner

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Season 2 Episode 30

Synopsis: Ethan has dinner with Chloe at a romantic dinner at home. Nico and Stella will have dinner together in a restaurant.

At night.

At McKenzie's house.

Chloe and her parents organize a dinner leaving the plates, cutlery and glasses on the table.

Mila: Wow Chloe. Today is your first dinner with Ethan at home.

Chloe: Yes, really mom I'm very happy that it's going to be very wonderful and romantic.

Harry: I'm glad Chloe. Do you know what time your boyfriend is coming?

Chloe: He told me he's coming over at eight o'clock.

Harry: It's seven o'clock. There's still an hour left. It's going to be really nice that you and Ethan are going to get along very well on the new date.

Chloe: Yes, dad. How nice is the new dinner for couples only.

Harry: Remember Chloe, you have to act normal, try not to get nervous.

Mila: Yes. Try to calm down and everything will be fine.

Chloe: Sure mom and dad. Today I won't be nervous or anything. I will be calm and relaxed.

Mila: Sure. And talk well together. All right, I'm going to see how the food goes.

Chloe: Okay. I'll go change my fancy clothes.


At Miller's house.

The Miller parents help their son Ethan dress up.

Jessica: Ready son. Awww. You look very handsome with your suit and hairstyle. Look in the mirror how it looks on you.

Ethan's dad: You look great, my champ.

Ethan looks in the mirror.

Ethan: Wow mom and dad. I look very elegant and handsome. What an impression. I love how I look.

Jessica: Oh good boy.

Ethan: Thanks mom and dad for helping me.

Jessica: You're welcome son. Now the suit is ready.

Ethan's dad: No problem, champ. Are you happy that you will go to your girlfriend's house for a romantic dinner?

Ethan: Of course I do. Tonight is going to be very nice and romantic just between her and me.

Ethan's dad: Wonderful.

Jessica: Good boy. Come on. Hug me.

Ethan hugs his mom and dad lovingly.


At the Virginia Mall.

Nico, Stella in fancy clothes and their moms are at the mall and they came to the buffet restaurant.

Nico: Wow, a rich buffet to eat. I'm hungry.

Stella: Me too. Let's see what there will be to eat.

The couples and the two women who are mothers of their children sit at the new table.

Christina: Alright guys. Here we are.

The waiter: Good evening. Here you have the menu.

Christina: Thank you.

Nico and Stella look at the menu.

Stella: Let's see what's on the menu.

Nico: I hope it's something tasty to eat.

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