A fun day for Stella, Chloe and Tracy

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Season 2 Episode 24

Synopsis: Tracy, Stella and Chloe are hanging out on the street as girls outings.

In the morning.

Stella, Chloe, and Tracy walk down the street while talking.

Stella: Wow. Girls outings. This is luxury.

Chloe: This is going to be the first time we're going to a cafeteria.

Tracy: Uh huh. Out of curiosity that I remember, I ate with my mom and dad in that cafeteria when it was New Year's Day.

Stella: Interesting.

Tracy: By the time we get there, you'll see what the place is like and the breakfast foods and more.

Chloe: Hey look. Three twin kittens.

Stella: Oh how cute they look.

Tracy: And here we are girls.

The three girls arrived at the cafeteria.

Stella and Chloe: Wow.

Stella: This looks very nice place.

Tracy: Welcome to the Virginia cafeteria.

Stella and Chloe: Wow.

Tracy: This is the place where my parents and I always ate on New Year's Day. Let's take a look. And... Chloe looks back. Stella looks ahead. Look what I'm pointing to.

Stella and Chloe look at the breakfast foods and are shocked.

Stella: Those are the foods for breakfast.

Tracy: Yes. Those are.

Chloe: There's also ice cream. Yumi, how delicious.

Tracy: They are all the most delicious ice cream flavors that I've ever had. And that's what's in this cafeteria.

Chloe: Hey, it's so fancy here.

Stella: Elegant place like in Scotland.

Tracy: Hmm. The place of this cafeteria is the most classic of all time.

Chloe: Okay. Where is there a seat to sit?

Stella: What's up? How is it? There is a seat of three available.

Tracy: It's perfect, girls. Let's all sit down.

The three girls sit in the seat that is available.

Chloe: Oh. A menu.

The three girls start looking at the menu.

Stella: Let's see about foods in menu.

Tracy: Okay guys. How we are all here together. Today we start a day for girls only.

Stella: That sounds bad. We could say "A fun day out with friends"

Tracy: That's better.

Waitress: Hello. How can I order you, please?

Tracy: Good morning. I want a chicken, ham and cheese sandwich with hash browns and a raspberry Grandmas Garden tea.

Stella: Hi. I want an egg sandwich with ham, cheese and tomato and wow, this tea looks delicious. I have never tried it.

Tracy: What?

Stella: Grandmas Garden.

Tracy: Oh the Grandmas Garden, that's the most delicious tea I've ever had. That one is good.

Stella: Really?

Tracy: Yeah, that's the tea that's always sweet and natural. You must guys try it because it has the best taste. (Shows Stella the photo on her cell phone) Look, that's the photo of the Grandmas Garden tea I took.

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