Taking care of the butterfly

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Season 2 Episode 5

Synopsis: Chloe and Stella take care of a butterfly since its wings are wet and need to dry to fly.

In the morning.

At Chloe Mckenzie's house.

Stella appears and watches with binoculars.

Stella: Do you manage to see someone?

Chloe: No.

Stella: There's something here?

Chloe: No, there's nothing here.

Stella and Chloe bump into each other and fall to the ground.

Stella and Chloe: Hahahaha. (Sighing with joy)

Stella: Chloe. We've already searched all morning and haven't found any butterflies.

Chloe: Yeah, there's no butterfly showing up anywhere.

Stella: I have my dream of having a cute butterfly to play with and now none appear.

Chloe: Same too. Well, you have to keep looking.

Stella: Okay. Where are my binoculars? Oh, here it is. It is below the drinking fountain.

Stella grabs her binoculars and notices that there is a butterfly in the water of the drinking fountain.

Stella: Oh wow. A butterfly. A butterfly!

Chloe: Really? Did you find it?

Stella: Yes. Yes, I found it. Hello butterfly.

Chloe: Wow. It is so beautiful.

Stella: She's as pretty as a rainbow.

Chloe: Hey, I think it's trying to get out of the water.

Stella: Oh that's right. That's how it is. But her wings are wet and so she looks too heavy to fly.

Chloe: Now I get why the butterfly can't.

Stella: I'm an expert on butterflies. I have seen videos of butterflies.

Chloe: Oh cool. I also watched butterfly videos when I was 7 years old, including the books I read at 10 years old.

Stella: Oh wow. That's good.

Chloe: And what do we do with her?

Stella: We have to dry its wings, I have seen the video that when a butterfly gets its wings wet, first it has to take a break, I mean you have to let the butterfly dry its wings and when they are dry, it can fly. Let's get him out of the water.

Chloe: Okay. But how?

Stella: With your hands, but we have to be very careful. The butterfly is very delicate.

Stella and Chloe will carefully lift the butterfly out of the water.

Stella: Don't worry butterfly, we're just going to help you.

Chloe: Yeah. We are your friends.

The butterfly moves.

Stella: Oh. We made her nervous.

Chloe: Now all her wings are very wet from the water.

Stella: Oh wait. I have an idea. I already know what I should do. Don't move.

Stella takes her tiara out of her head and is going to try to carefully remove the butterfly from the water.

Stella: Quiet little cute butterfly. I'll pull you out very gently and I did it. I saved the butterfly and it is in my hand.

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