Visiting the Middle School

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Season 2 Episode 18

Synopsis: The educational visit at the Middle School, fifth grade students including Stella, Chloe and Tracy visit the school where Ethan and Nico study.

At Stella Rosberg's school.

Stella and Chloe are chatting with their boyfriends outside the house.

Nico: Wow, I'm glad you had a great time at school, girls.

Ethan: It's very interesting what you did today.

Stella: Yes, that's right. And how did your school go?

Nico: Good, all good there. All right.

Ethan: So do I.

Chloe: Oh and I have very good news since we are going to be our first time. Tomorrow, Friday, we will visit the Middle School.

Nico: I can't believe it.

Ethan: Really?

Stella: Yes, of course. Oh really. It will be a 5th grade only visit at the Middle School.

Chloe: Since it's going to be tomorrow, I'll go see you guys to have a good time together at the Middle School.

Ethan: It's great.

Nico: What an amazing news, girls.

Stella: I'm excited to visit the Middle School for the first time and see what the level of that school is like.

Chloe: So do I.

Nico: Awesome girls. So tomorrow they will come and see what our school is like.

Ethan: And have a great time together.

Stella: Yes.

Chloe: Of course I do. Tomorrow, it will be a very special day for us.

At Tracy's house.

Dani: Are you kidding me? Will you come to my school just for a visit?

Tracy: Yes, my friend.

Dani: What amazing news, Tracy. Tomorrow you will come and we will spend time together at my school.

Tracy: Yes, of course I do. I think so.

Dani: My school is very nice. The question is: What are you going to do at my school tomorrow?

Tracy: Well, they told me that only the students in my class will go to see what the classrooms are like, in the gym room and more places to see in the Middle School.

Dani: Oh wow, that's great. I've never heard that about it, but that's okay. What good news you told me. Tomorrow we are going to spend it together at my school at lunch time and at break time. And more things to see too.

Tracy: Exactly. This will be very wonderful tomorrow.

The next day.

At the Virginia Middle School.

The bus arrives, the fifth grade students arrive at the Middle School, including the three girls: Tracy, Stella and Chloe.

Stella: Wow.

Chloe: Virginia Middle School.

Tracy: How big it is!

Stella: Well friends, we arrived at Middle School. It's super surprising.

Ethan, Nico, and Dani arrive and go over to say hello to Tracy, Chloe, and Stella.

Ethan: Hello girls.

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