Taking care of my girlfriend's cat

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Season 2 Episode 22

Synopsis: Nico takes care of Stella's cat as her girlfriend will visit her grandfather in the nursing home. Ethan babysits Chloe's cat as she and her parents have a dentist appointment.

In the morning.

At Nico Norris's house.

In the living room.

Nico is sitting on the couch watching TV and eating popcorn.

(The sound of the doorbell)

Nico: Huh?

Nina: I'm going to open.

Nina opens the door of the house.

Nina: Hello Stella.

Stella: Hi Nina. Is Nico there?

Nina: Yes, there it is. He is sitting on the sofa. shall I call him?

Stella: Yes, please.

Nina: Okay. Nico, it's Stella. Stella wants to talk to you.

Nico: Here I go sister.

Nico stands up and goes for Stella.

Nico: Hi Stella.

Stella: Hi Nico.

Nico: Hello Mr. and Mrs. Rosberg.

Christina: Hi Nico.

Josh: Hi Nico.

Nico: How are you?

Christina: Good.

Josh: I'm fine.

Stella: So do I.

Nico: Cool. And what is offered to them?

Christina: Oh Nico. I need a favor. We are going to visit my dad in the nursing home. Could you take care of Stella's cat?

Stella: I mean, I'm going to see my grandfather.

Josh: We'll pay you $20 to take care of the cat.

Nico: Oh sure, sure. I have all the free time. Count me in.

Stella: Great honey. Thank you. I have my cat Ghunter's things.

Nico: Oh okay. Sister, can you help me carry the things?

Nina: Sure bro.

Stella: And here is my cat. Take good care of him.

Christina: Thank you Nico. We will go there and come back at 5:00pm

Nico: No problem Rosberg family. I'll take good care of your cat, Stella.

Stella: Thank you love. You're the best.

Stella hugs Nico.

Nico: You're welcome babe.

Stella: Are you sure you know how to take good care of my cat?

Nico: Yes, of course. I know how to take care of it because I like cats.

Stella: Great. Well I'm saying goodbye. Bye Nico.

Nico: Bye love.

Stella: Bye my Ghunter. Behave well. I'll be back at 5:00 p.m.

Christina: Bye Nico.

Josh Bye Nico.

Nico: Bye Rosberg family. Be careful and good luck on the day.

At Ethan Miller's house.

In the living room.

Ethan is sitting on the couch watching his soccer game on TV.

(The sound of the house doorbell)

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