A day in the life of Ethan

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Season 2 Episode 20

Synopsis: Ethan talks about his daily routine.

In the morning.

At Ethan's house.

Ethan comes out of the bathroom and changes his clothes as usual.

Ethan: Hi guys. My name is Ethan Miller. I am the boy who is passionate about soccer and I am the person who always follows my routines. Ha! If you'd like to do something routine, then come with me and I'll show you what my routine days are like. Let's go back in time a bit. As usual, I stay up until dawn like six o'clock in the morning.

Ethan wakes up.

Ethan: (Sighing with joy) Time to get up. (Getting up from his bed and stretches his arms)

Ethan goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth, comb his hair, and put his deodorant under his arms. After washing up, he changes his clothes as usual.

Ethan: And so began the beginning of the day. Now I'm going to make my bed.

Ethan makes his bed impeccably.

Ethan: And that's how you tend a bed. You should always take care of your bed so that it looks neat and spotless in your room. Ha ha ha. Please use my advice. The good advice is to take advantage of yourselves to take care of your bed so that it is well organized and comfortable.

Jessica: Ethan. Breakfast is ready.

Ethan: Alright, now I'll go to the table for breakfast. I wonder what's for breakfast? Come with me and they will see this. After washing up, changing my clothes and doing my bed, it is the very important meal time to eat and be fed.

Ethan leaves his room and comes to the table.

Ethan: Good morning mom. Good morning Dad.

Ethan's Dad: Good morning, champ.

Jessica: Good morning Ethan. How did you wake up my son?

Ethan: Well, I woke up with all joy.

Jessica: Nice son. Come, eat your delicious breakfast.

Ethan: Breakfast time. Mmmm, pancakes with honey bee. My favorite breakfast that I like.

Ethan and his parents start having pancakes for breakfast.

Ethan: After breakfast, I go to the bathroom again. You can believe it why am I going back to the bathroom again. I'll brush my teeth again after I eat breakfast. When you have had your breakfast, you always have to brush your teeth again to have a delicious breath and clean white teeth. Look what I'm going to do.

After Ethan has eaten his breakfast, he brushes his teeth again so that he looks clean and has good breath. After brushing his teeth, he goes to the living room to sit and wait for the school bus.

Ethan: My backpack is ready and so is my lunch for recess. Hahaha. I have something to tell you for you to realize. My backpack is all ready what I have to take for the day that comes. I have packed everything in my backpack for my school since yesterday and I always do. When you have school, whether elementary or Middle School, you always have to pack your things in your backpack early before spending the next day. Do not wait until the last minute to prepare your backpack because you will be rushed by time and everything will go wrong. That is my advice, use it so that you will come out well.

The school bus arrives.

Ethan: Oh the bus arrived, I'm going to school now.

Ethan says goodbye to his mom and dad.

Ethan: Bye mom and dad.

Jessica: Bye son. Take care of yourself. Do well at school. I love you very much.

Ethan's dad: Bye champ. Good luck. I love you.

Ethan: See you mom and dad. I love you very much too.

Ethan gets on the school bus and greets Nico, Dani, and Sebastian.

Ethan: Hello my friends.

Nick: Hi Ethan.

Daniel: Hello friend.

Sebastian: What's up buddy?

Ethan: Good Friday to all of you. Or should I say, good Friday. A Friday as always to be happy and motivated.

Nico: Hahaha yes friend. Friday is super cool.

Daniel: So do I.

Ethan sits in the seat with Nico.

Nico: Wow Ethan. I love your way of greeting.

Ethan: Thanks best friend.

Nico: I'm glad Friday has arrived so I can make the most of that day.

Ethan: So do I.

Time after.

At the Middle School school.

Ethan: This is my school. Virginia Middle School, I study here. What am I doing at school? I pay attention in the class of the courses that I have, I have lunch with my friends during the snack time, I talk during the break time and I always spend it with my friends, I do exercises in the gym class, the art class, the class of Science. And of all of these days I always had a good time with everything. After school, I go back home. Back at my house, I have lunch at 3:00 pm. After lunch, I do homework at 4:00 pm. After doing my homework, I watch TV and use my cell phone to watch videos, play games, chat with friends and my girlfriend, and check posts. At night at 7:00 pm I eat lunch. Remember that also after lunch and dinner you have to brush your teeth. After dinner, I take a bath, watch TV or some things to take advantage of in my free time. At 9:30 p.m. I take a shower and finally at 10:30 p.m., always at that time, I go to sleep. The next day on Saturday. What do I do on Saturdays since it is the weekend to rest? Well, there are many things, I exercise, I practice soccer, I go for a walk with my dog Rocky, I go out with friends sometime on the weekends and I always visit my girlfriend at her house to spend a lot of time together and well, what things do Chloe and I do, we go for a walk, eat an ice cream, talk, hug and kiss as always since she and I are in love and sometimes watch a movie. And those are the things or the plans for my weekend. And well, that's my daily routine and the things to spend on the weekend with all the usual. Well, today is Saturday, I'm going to visit my girlfriend at her house, she and I have plans for this day, I'm going to the cinema with her to see a movie.
Thank you all for joining us. Until next time.

End of episode.

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