A normal day

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Season 2 Episode 6

Synopsis: Meet Stella and Chloe's friend from the fifth-grade class, her name is Tracy.

In Virginia elementary school.

At snack time.

Stella and Chloe are at the table having their snack.

Stella: Hey Chloe. Do you know how much the pumpkin that I went to the store on Saturday cost?

Chloe: How much was it? Which size?

Stella: It was big, good and natural, it was about 50 dollars the price. She was the only one by the way.

Chloe: Oh no. The price is very expensive.

Stella: And no one has taken it because of the price.

Chloe: They should lower the price or make an offer.

Stella: Supermarkets always manage the prices of any product.

Chloe: And your parents bought it?

Stella: No. Of course not.

Chloe: How expensive is this going to be? A perfect big pumpkin with the biggest price.

Stella: I'm sure the supermarket is like that when it comes to the best product or something.

Chloe: Yeah, it kind of is.

Stella: How have you and Ethan been over the weekend?

Chloe: Good, very good. We're doing well, chatting together and we had a nice day over the weekend. He is a very charming boy and well, I am with my football player who is my boyfriend. Ethan is a very nice person and he is also a person who loves soccer.

Stella: Wow. Has he told you about his sport?

Chloe: Yeah. The first time, he told me about football and it was weeks ago and now it's the second time, I saw Ethan playing with his ball trying to get high scores when he visited my house. He's pretty cool and he told me that when he grows up he wants to be the best soccer player.

Stella: Wow, he's a very good sport. I now understand why he wants to be a soccer player. My boyfriend has also told me that your boyfriend wants to be a soccer player when he grows up and he will have the best experience throughout his life.

Chloe: Yeah, it's pretty interesting that I want to see how Ethan plays in his championship game. (She is thinking of Ethan and feeling in love) I love my boyfriend very much.

Stella: Awww how cute.

At break time.

Stella and Chloe are hanging out in the locker halls.

Stella: Great. It's time to take a break.

Chloe: And I hate Mondays. I don't like Mondays so much, it's like starting from the beginning.

Stella: Yes, me too. I'm sure most of you don't like Mondays, but don't worry, we're starting this day very well. Let's see how we do this week. It's a nice day to talk and spend time with you. The class, the snack and having our motivations for the day.

Chloe: Oh right, that's right. We are starting our normal week at school. Well, what do we do now at the break?

Stella: Oh look, it's Tracy. She is taking out some notebooks for her next class. You have to help her so she doesn't walk alone carrying her notebooks which can be heavy.

Chloe: Come on.

Stella: Hi Tracy. Do you need help?

Chloe: Can we help you?

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