Chloe and her memories

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Season 2 Episode 21

Synopsis: Chloe teaches and explains about her souvenir photos in the album book to Ethan.

In the morning.

At Chloe Mckenzie's house.

Ethan comes to Chloe's house to visit his girlfriend.

Ethan rings the doorbell and Chloe answers the door.

Chloe: Hi, Ethan.

Ethan: Hi Chloe.

They both kiss each other on the mouth.

Ethan: How are you, sweetie?

Chloe: Fine, hahaha. All good my child. Go ahead.

Ethan: Okay.

Chloe lets her boyfriend Ethan into her house.

Ethan and Chloe sit on the couch.

Ethan: Scrapbook. Is that your scrapbook?

Chloe: Yeah, that's my album. Do you want to see it?

Ethan: Oh sure. No problem.

Chloe: Fine. This is my scrapbook when I was born in New York City.

Ethan: Let's see it together.

Chloe: Okay.

Chloe opens her album and shows Ethan her souvenir photos about her life and her family in New York.

Chloe: This is my first photo album. That photo is me when I was a baby.

Ethan: Awww how cute. How cute you are as a baby.

Chloe: Yes, I am very beautiful as a baby. And on the next page are more photos of me as a baby. That's the photo when I drank milk.

Ethan: Awww. How cute. (hugs Chloe)

Chloe: (gets happy) Very good. And look there are more baby photos.

Ethan: Awww my baby. How cute are you when are you a baby.

Chloe: Thanks. On the next page, In that photo is my mom. My mom gave me the first meal. Spaghetti.

Ethan: Awww. It is very cute.

Chloe: Yeah, that's the photo smiling. Me as a baby smiling.

Ethan: Awww. What a nice smile. Just like you always smile.

Chloe: Aww thanks. I have a nice smile.

Ethan: Yep.

Chloe: In that photo, it's me as a baby sleeping in a crib.

Ethan: How adorable when you were sleeping as a baby.

Chloe: Yes, it's very adorable I see. The other picture that's me playing baby toys and the other one watching cartoons.

Ethan: How beautiful!

Chloe: The other picture that's me trying my first ice cream. It was my first ice cream that I had tasted in my life.

Ethan: How cute! Very cute!

Chloe: Next page. Oh look, those are my birthday pictures when I was one year old. My mom and dad celebrating my one year birthday with a cake. And the other photo was crawling, the other when my mom was carrying me and the other my dad was also carrying me.

Ethan: Awww how cute. You are very beautiful. You are very beautiful as a one-year-old baby. (Ethan hugs Chloe tight and with lots of love) You are so cute and sweet, my baby.

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