The tea party

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Season 2 Episode 4

Synopsis: Stella invites her best friend Chloe to play the tea party.

At Stella's house.

Chloe and Stella are playing the tea party in the backyard.

Chloe and Stella: Hahaha.

Chloe: Stella. Now if you surpassed yourself.

Stella: Oh Chloe. I guess the tea party is just divine. Since when I was 6 years old, I started playing and enjoying the tea party with my dolls.

Chloe: I see. This is the first time I've enjoyed your tea party. This is the most fantastic party in the whole world.

Stella: Do you want cookies? Cookies at home.

Chloe: Oh thank you. (Testing the cookie) Mmmmm. It's delicious. Did you prepare it?

Stella: No. My mom made it.

Chloe: Oh okay. This cookie is delicious.

Stella: Cool. Do you want more tea, Miss Chloe Mckenzie?

Chloe: Sure Miss Stella Rosberg.

Stella serves tea to Chloe.

Chloe: Thanks, friend.

Stella: You're welcome Chloe.

Chloe: Hey. Don't you have a real teapot of yours? You are using a large coffee mug.

Stella: Not really. I don't have my own tea party teapot. I would like to have it, but my mom has one.

Chloe: Oh why don't you ask her to borrow it?

Stella: Oh sure, that's a great idea. I'll ask my mom.

Chloe: Oh, by the way, Stella. Your pink bracelet is beautiful.

Stella: Thank you. This is my heart bracelet. I'll be right back.

Chloe: Okay. I'll wait for you.

Stella enters the house and goes to ask her mom for the teapot.

Stella: Hi mom.

Christina: Hello Stella. What's happening?

Stella: Oh mommy. Could you lend me your tea party teapot? You don't use it, right? I'm going to play a tea party with my friend Chloe.

Christina: Stella.

Stella: Please, mom. This teapot is so elegant.

Christina: Sweetie, it's an heirloom teapot. It will become all yours and your children one day.

Stella: That's why I have to practice using it from now on.

Christina: I'm sorry honey. But I don't want anything to happen with my cute teapot.

Stella: But mom. The teapot has always been there. Nobody has used it.

Josh: You're right about that.

Stella and Christina look at him.

Josh: What? That's how it is. We have never used it.

Stella: Please, mom. Yes, mom? Please?

Christina: Okay Stella. I'll give it to you, but be very careful with this.

Stella: I will mom. I promise you.

Christina gives the teapot to her daughter Stella.

Stella: Thanks, mom. You can not imagine how much I appreciate you.

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