Story of Nico and Stella's life

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Season 2 Episode 19

Synopsis: The story of the best moments of Nico and Stella that they did a year ago.

1 year ago.

Nico narrator: One year ago. We are going to tell you the story of my girlfriend Stella.

Narrator Stella: The story of Nico and Stella. The couples who both fell in love.

Nico narrator: And how did they get along and what moments did they make one year ago.

In the morning.


At Nico Norris's house.

Stella and Nico kiss together outside the house in 5 seconds.

Stella: Oh Nico. I love you a lot.

Nico: I love you, too baby.

They both hug.

Stella: Hey, can we play your video games?

Nico: Sure Stella. Do you want to play with me?

Stella: Yes, of course.

Nico: Okay, let's play.

Nico and Stella play video games together for an hour. After playing video games, Stella gets bored and asks her boyfriend Nico that she wants to be something fun.

Stella: Oh Nico. I'm bored. What are we going to do today?

Nico: I have an idea. Shall we go for a bike ride to relax?

Stella: What a brilliant idea, honey. Sure, we're going for a ride with the bike.


Stella and Nico begin to ride their bikes to relax and motivate themselves.

Stella: Oh, it feels really good to ride the bike. It feels good.

Nico: Be careful, love. Be attentive in everything so that you don't fall off the bike.

Stella: Okay Nico. Don't worry, I'll always be attentive.

Nico: Okay love.

Nico and Stella arrive at the park and start talking while riding their own bikes.

Nico: How are you now?

Stella: Now I'm not bored. I feel motivated.

Nico: Good.

Stella: Hey, at what age did you start riding a bicycle?

Nico: Well, I learned to ride a bike when I was 8 years old. When I was 8 years old, I began to like riding my bike. It is fun.

Stella: Oh great. I started riding when I was also 8 years old.

Nico: Wow, great Stella.

Stella: Yes. It's so much fun riding a bike so I can exercise and relax.

Nico: It's very good.

Stella: Yes, very cool. Hey, shall we have a race?

Nico: Yes, of course. Cycling is a lot of fun.

Stella: Fine. From the line of the floor put on.

Nico: Ready. How far does it end?

Stella: Until the bench.

Nico: Understood.

Stella: On your marks.

Nico: On your marks.

Stella: Ready and go.

Nico and Stella start to rapidly pedal their bikes having a race.

Stella: Whoo!

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