Night love

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Season 2 Episode 23

Synopsis: Couples enjoy their best romantic night.

At night.

In the backyard of Rosberg's house.

Stella and Nico arrive at the backyard of the house. Stella places a large blanket on the green grass.

Nico: Today is a nice night for couples, babe.

Stella: Yes. Today we are going to look at the stars and spend a beautiful and very happy night.


At McKenzie's house.

Ethan and Chloe arrive in the backyard of the house. Chloe places a large blanket on the green grass.

Chloe: (Sighing with joy) What a nice night to enjoy.

Ethan: What a beautiful night this special day is going to be!

Chloe: Yes, I already want to see the beautiful stars.

Ethan: The weather is hot. It's not very cold here.

Chloe: Nice weather. Hahaha. Very well, let's sit down and look at the stars and the beautiful night.


In the backyard of Rosberg's house.

Stella: Did you bring the muffins from the basket?

Nico: Of course I do. Here I have them.

Stella and Nico sit on the blanket and start looking up at the stars on a beautiful night.

Stella: Let's look to see if there are any shooting stars.

Nico: Will there be a shooting star?

Stella: Well, I think so. But we'll see if there will be a shooting star.

Nico and Stella take and eat their muffins.

Stella: This is going to be very amazing.

Nico: Yup. Mmmm. The muffin is delicious.

Stella: Yes, me too. My mom made it.

Nico: It's taste good. Yumi.


In Mckenzie's backyard.

Chloe: I see there's a medium star. It is brilliant.

Ethan: I see it. It's so bright from what I see. (grabs and eats a cookie) Mmmmm. Yummy.

Chloe: (grabs and eats a cookie) Mmmmm. delicious.

Ethan: Your cookies are very delicious, Chloe.

Chloe: Thanks, Ethan. I am very good at making cookies.

Ethan: As always, babe. You are the best girl who prepares cookies.

Chloe: Awww thank you my cute boy. (hugs her boyfriend)

Ethan: Owww. My pretty baby who likes hugs a lot. I love you.

Chloe: You too.

Ethan: Oh look. And will start. I think shooting stars are going to come out.

Chloe: Yeah, they're dating.

Shooting stars came out.


Stella: Wow. Shooting stars.

Nico: Incredible. Wow.


Chloe: They're so beautiful.

Ethan: Wow. How cute.

Minutes later.

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