Pet day

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Season 2 Episode 11

Synopsis: Ethan, Chloe and Stella spend time with their pets.

In the morning.

At Stella Rosberg's house.

(alarm clock)

Stella: Time to get up.

Stella looks at her calendar.

Stella: Today has arrived. Today is pet day and I have my own house pet. My kitty Ghunter. Good morning Ghunter. Today is pet day and we are going to do something fun. First, it's meal time kitty, I'm going to serve you some food. Let's go to the kitchen.

At Chloe Mckenzie's house.

Chloe: Time to get up. Good morning my kitten Kitty.

Kitty cat: Meow.

Chloe: (She pats her kitten) What day is it today? Let me see the calendar. (Looks at the calendar) Oh no, today is pet day. It's amazing. Kitty, look at that date on the calendar. Today is pet day. Today we are going to do something on the list of pet activities. What do you think?

Kitty: Meow. (Yeah)

Chloe: Great. Let's eat breakfast first. Come on Kitty.

Kitty: Meow. (stands and walks)

At Ethan Miller's house.

Ethan: (stretches out his arms) Okay, time to get up. (jumps out of bed) Good! Today came a very interesting date. Today is pet day. So it means I'm going to do something with my dog. Rocky. Rocky dude. Happy pet day, since you are my dog we are going to do something fun this day.

Rocky dog: Wow. Wow.

Ethan: Cool. Let's eat something first so that you have a lot of strength and energy to the maximum. Come on Rocky. To the kitchen.

Rocky dog: Wow.

At Stella Rosberg's house.

Stella: Time to eat Ghunter.

Ghunter cat: Meow.

Ghunter starts to eat his food.

Ghunter: What a good boy you are! Enjoy your meal. I'm going to have my breakfast.

At Chloe Mckenzie's house.

Chloe: Kitty. My kitty. Time to eat.

Kitty cat: Meow.

Kitty arrives and eats her food since she is hungry.

Kitty: How cute! Wow, you're hungry, huh?

At Ethan Miller's house.

Ethan serves the food for his dog.

Ethan: Rocky. The food is served. Time to eat.

Rocky dog: Wow. Wow.

Rocky runs to the kitchen and starts eating the food.

Ethan: Good boy my Rocky. Good luck, friend.

Jessica: Ethan. Breakfast is ready.

Ethan: Here I go, mom. Ok friend, I'll leave you to eat, I'm going to have breakfast.

1 hour later.

At Stella Rosberg's house.

In the living room.

Stella: Very good Ghunter. Do you want to play with blue wool?

Ghunter cat: Meow. Meow.

Stella: Okay. Get ready kitty. Here it is.

Ghunter plays with the wool.

Stella: That kitty. How nice!

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