Cheated in love?

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Season 2 Episode 13

Synopsis: Chloe watches and realizes that Ethan has another girl. Could it be that he is cheating on Chloe as he has another girl?

In the morning.

On the street.

A new girl arrives from Virginia City. The girl arrives at Ethan's house. The question is who is she? The girl rings the doorbell of Ethan's house.

Ethan opens the door to his house and is surprised at the exciting part.

Ethan: Amy!

Amy: Ethan!

Ethan: Amy! Wow, my friend. What a joy friend that you are here.

Amy: Yes, I'm here my childhood friend. That's why I'm back. Amy is already back in Virginia to start a new story.

Ethan: I'm glad you're here my childhood friend. Wow, how have you been? I didn't see you for a long time without seeing you.

Amy: Yes, for a long time. That's why I'm already here. What a joy to see you, my childhood friend.

Ethan: Yes, what an impressive friend. I read your message. I found out yesterday from your message that you told me that you came back here two weeks ago.

Amy: Yeah, I forgot to tell you, I was starting on a new beginning.

Ethan: I know. Don't worry Amy. Everything's fine. Hey, my mom made a delicious cake for your welcome. Do you like to pass?

Amy: Oh sure dude.

Ethan: Go ahead.

An hour later.

Ethan and his childhood friend Amy are sitting on the couch eating strawberry shortcake and they both start talking about their lives.

Ethan: And then, how has your life been since we haven't seen each other in a while?

Amy: Well, I did well there, but well my life was good. Everything I spend well at school, the city and much more that he had lived there in Texas.

Ethan: Cool. I like that city.

Amy: Yeah, I know. It was fascinating there.

Ethan: And how are your grades?

Amy: My grades are going well too.

Ethan: Oh good. Hey, why did you decide to come back here in this city?

Amy: My family decided because they wanted to. Anyway, I wanted to come back here to see you and start a new story about our stage of life. Including my studies and the community and well, my new adventure started when my family and I arrived here. I'm 13 years old by the way.

Ethan: I'm still 13 years old. Wow, now I understand what you are saying. I missed you a lot friend since you left and well, now we have met again, let's write our stories again.

Amy: Yes, that's right. Do you remember from kindergarten that you and I used to play and have a lot of fun together at school? We also played on the swings and the seesaw in the park, we went to the games, what else do I remember?

Ethan: We ate pizza, we played video games at your house, your birthday party with friends in our childhood.

Amy: Yours too.

Ethan: Yeah, mine too. My birthday party.

Amy: Wow, that's a lot of moments we had in our childhood. What a beautiful childhood!

Ethan: How nice are the memories!

Amy: Yes, very good moments. Hey, I had an idea. Can we go to the amusement park? It is the first time that I am going to visit it and see what the place is like.

For the love there is no age ❤️ Season 2Where stories live. Discover now