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No matter how hard you try and how much effort you gave the universal truth is, at some point you'll messed up. But life is what you make it, you get to decide whether you stand up after the fall or just lay there, give up and rot. Nasa sayo na yun.

I am selfish at times, I make mistakes, I am out of control and hard to handle. I know I'm not good but am I really that bad. I only wish for a family, someone who understands me, someone I can lean on and someone I can trust yun lang naman ang gusto ko, but why is it too hard to have.

I'm an outcast to my own clan, a rebel, and the black sheep as they say. I was never loved, never been cared of not until he came.

He was my best friend, my savior and my first love. He took care of me, he showed me what love is and he made me feel that life was still worth living. For the first time in my life I knew what happiness means.

But happy ever after was a big fat lie, they took him away from me, they tortured him, what's worst is they killed him in front of me. They took the only hold I have to keep me sane and they awaken the sleeping demon. And like a thief in the night I will take their lives when they least expect it.

I am Gabrielle Ren Nishida and now my hunting begins!


REN and The Heartless DevilTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon