3: War

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Karina's POV


I took an overtime, my out was supposed to be at 5pm but due to this bunch of papers I was left here in the office, and texted Minji that I can't get there to fetch them, so they took the bus instead. Yunjin and the others left, and only few employees were left here in the office at this time.

"At last, I'm done." I said as I stretched my back. I glanced at Ms. Arrogant's office and was surprise that she was still there at this time, and doing some paper works, can't believe that she was this workaholic?

"I have to tell her I'm done, cause she's the one who gave me all these stuff.Such an evil boss, she doesn't even have any conscience and ate my sandwich. Despite knowing I haven't eaten anything yet. Aish." I mumble while glaring at her outside. I got up from my seat and fix everything, before I walked towards her door. Knocked first before I entered her office.

"I'm done with the task Ms. Kim, can I go now?" I asked as she was still focused on the papers on her hands. She didn't even glanced to whoever went inside her room.

"Hmm." She just hummed in response still not looking at me. Fine I don't even care if you look at me or not.

"Can I go now?" I repeated my question, cause it's like she doesn't even hear me.

Then she waved her hands and shooing me to get outside still not glancing at me wow I felt like I don't fucking exist. I can't believe how much arrogant she can be, aish.. Fine! I'll go! So I went outside her office stomping my foot.

I went down at the parking ground as soon as I got out of the office.

As I arrived at the ground I went straight to my car but I passed by her car the black porsche. That was so expensive I bet it was given by her parents, such a spoiled brat.

But then before I got inside my car, I saw one car who was having difficulties in parking.

Hmm? Maybe the driver was a first timer. Should I help? I was looking at it the whole time and I'm having mind battle right now. Aish after a minute of contemplating I decided to approach the car.

Knock~ knock~ 

I knocked on her window. A few times, and she opened it quickly, it's a girl a very beautiful girl. And she looks familiar?

Wait a minute?! She's a famous actress, Uchinaga Aeri!? Oh my God!

"I'm sorry~" She spoke so politely, even her voice was so feminine. I want to scream in happiness as I saw her. But I would only look crazy.

"Uhmm? You mind if I help you?" I said getting all shy. Then she smiled at me in response. Oh my! I want to take picture of her now and tell every one I met her. They would literally get jealous I know.

Then she went out of her car. And gave me way to enter.

So I went inside quickly, oh wow her car was so neat and smells good. I closed the door. And she moved back so I could get enough space to turn the wheels and park the car at the side. It wasn't difficult as I've been doing it for so long now. And a matter of seconds. Tada! I'm done!

So I went out of the car quickly. And saw her face that look so amused. She quickly went towards me and bow.

"Thank you so much, how can I repay you?" She asked smiling at me.

"Hmm, would it be possible to get a picture of you?" I asked straightforwardly. But her face suddenly change into disappointment. Aw maybe she's not allowed to do it.

"I wished I could give it to you, but I can't. Nobody knows I went here. Even my manager." She said looking sad.

"How about an autograph? Will that be ok with you?" She asked as she tilt her head cutely.

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