17: Beautiful

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Karina's POV

She kissed me!

She just kissed me in front of the other employees!

I was stunned. And left frozen, when she pulled away from the kiss.

"I'm sorry, if I'm confusing you with our relationship, I really don't know how to bring that up. But trust me, you're different with any other girls I have in my life. And you know what? This is the first time I want someone to stay by my side all the time. And it's only you Karina. Just you." Winter said and I was only looking at her face the whole time that she was talking. I couldn't process in my head what just happen.

"Karina?" Winter said my name that quickly snap me out of my trance.

I quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her away from these people that was already looking at us and went back to the fire exit.

As we're finally alone.

"What did say again?" I asked with furrowed brow.

"From the start?" Winter asked.

"No summarized it." I said, trying suppressed my smile from showing off.

"Then ask me again. That question." She said with a serious tone.

"Ok. So what am I to you again?" I asked while looking at her straight on the eyes.

"You're mine.", she said staring back at me. And I swear I wanted to smile widely as I heard it again, but I want to ask her something first to confirm it.

"I'm yours? You are claiming me again, but how about you? Are you mine? Alone? Can I call you mine as well?" I asked her all the questions that I had in mind, that I want to make sure. Before I jump out of happiness.

"Of course!, I'm yours alone. You're the only one Karina. " Winter said with all sincerity and it's all I need to hear.

I pulled her by the collar and encircled my arms around her neck. As I tilt my head and captured her lips with mine. And it didn't take long for Winter to kissed me back, while she wrapped both her arms around my torso, as we both clenched our eyes close. Feeling and tasting each other's mouth.



-At SM's cafeteria.-

Giselle's POV

"Is there any progress? You seem happy these passed few days. Now you're smiling while talking with your phone." Ningning asked. While munching on her food

"I let Winter alone for a while to cool down the tension between us, and it worked, now she's finally talking to me like we usually do." I said smiling and stab the meat on my plate.

"Oh is that so, well that's good to hear then." Ningning said and smile to me. Well I won't let our friendship end because of that girl, and I'm still not giving up.

Winter will always have me and that girl would only go crazy because Winter can't live without me.

"Actually, I will meet Winter this coming weekend." I said and smile wide to her.

"A date?" Ningning asked.

"Haha, well it's not actually a date. But auntie, Winter's mother asked to meet me and Winter for a dinner." I said as I took a spoonful of my food. The truth is I told auntie that I've been liking Winter for a long time. She was so shock, but she seems very happy to hear it. That's why she came all the way here from Japan to see both of us.

"Omg. Don't tell me it's a family dinner? Are you gonna talk about marriage now?" Ningning said while she covers her mouth with her hands looking so shock

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