33: News

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At winter's office.

"Hmm, I miss you.", Winter mumbled and breathing at the crook of Karina's neck, snuggling her head on the latter. While Karina was seating at her lap.

"We shouldn't be doing this here.",Karina said her voice was soft and almost a whisper. Winter called her at the middle of her work hours, not knowing what is the matter. And got surprised when Winter quickly locked the door and pulled her to sit on the couch with her on Winter's lap.

"Why? everyone knows you're mine, and I can do whatever I want in my office. Are you nervous?", Winter said while brushing her lips on Karina's neck, as she tighten her hugged on the latter's waist.

"Winter~ this is crazy.", Karina mumbled softly catching her breath as Winter begun to kiss her neck slowly. She was supposed to protest but when Winter started to kiss her, she can only heave a sigh and ended up giving up and letting Winter do what she wants.

Winter smirked seeing how Karina gave up and lift her chin up, giving enough room for her to nip and roam her tongue on her fianceé's neck.

"You really do love me this much?", Winter asked parting her mouth and giving her girl wet kisses.

"Hmmm", Karina hummed closing her eyes while her hands gripped tight on Winter's shoulder.

"Fuck, we should stop.", Winter pulling her head away from Karina's neck and panting hard. As she realized it wasn't the reason she called Karina on her office.

Karina also was breathing heavily as Winter, mouth agape and half liddedly looking at the girl's face below her.

"This wasn't the reason I called you. But I badly missed you. And I couldn't control myself when I saw you, I'm sorry.", Winter said still panting, and looking at Karina's lips.

"I hate you.." Karina said pouting her lip, as she carressed Winter's cheek with her palm.

"I know.", Winter mumbled softly smiling, and reaching Karina's hand on her cheek and kissing it tenderly.

"So what do you want to tell me?", Karina asked as she tried to stand up and sit properly but Winter's arm held her tight and not letting her move from where she is.

"We can talk like this. You don't need to stand up, I prefer you seating on my lap.", Winter said smiling so wide.

"I'm not a baby Winter. I should sit where an adult should be seating.", Karina answered pointing the couch with her eyes. And smiling mischievously and playing hard to get.

"But you are my baby but big one~",Winter argue furrowing her brow and pouting her lip.

"Am I?", Karina answered with a straight face, trying to hide her giggle at the sight of her fianceé getting upset.

"Yah, you don't like? alright.", Winter said and let go of Karina's waist.

Karina's eyes widen in shock, as Winter took it seriously. Making her huff in disbelief.

"Yah.", Karina said huffing as she got up from Winter's lap with a stomp. Looking annoyed with the latter.

But Winter was the one who got shocked the most as she intended to act annoyed and wanted her girlfriend to please her and cuddle with her. But the table had turned unexpectedly, as her girlfriend is now the one getting mad.

'I should take a note of this, if I get upset, she will get upset as well. aigoo.' Winter mumbled at her thoughts. As she finally getting to know more of her soon to be wife.

"Hey. Hey. Where are you going?", Winter said furrowing her brow. As she stood up as well.

"To find my seat, obviously. You let go of me right? So I got up, and maybe just sat across you.", Karina answered crossing her arms, raising a brow and looking at Winter with half lidded eyes.

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