13: Words

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Karina's POV

"I just wanted to tell that-" She paused as her lips pursed.

"Hmm?" I hummed as I waited for her.

"That I lied." She said as she turned her head looking at me while I furrowed my brow, looking back at her.

"What I answered you last night. I lied." She said. I quickly averted my eyes off her as I felt my heart started to beat fast. She's talking about that.. When she said none. I don't wanna bring that up cause I don't want to get hurt again. But she opened it up herself..

"It was a lie, I have something for you. I know I had, but-" She paused and I could feel that she's having a hard time talking about this matter. What was so hard about it? If she has something for me, why can't she tell what it is?

"But what?" I asked as I turned to look at her. Seeing her eyes I could tell she was having doubts.

"But I can't just bring that up, and I feel I'm not capable of saying that, I- I just can't." She said as she lowered down her head.

"Do you have to say it?" I said and she quickly turned her eyes back at me as she heard my question. She looked shocked and confused by what I said.

I move my hands and cupped her face and looked at her straight into her eyes. Her eyes turned warm as she held my hand and caressed it with her thumb.

"Because, looking at you now was enough. Eyes tell more than words could ever say. And your actions will define what you wanted to say, I would rather see it than hear it from you." I said not breaking our eye contact. She smirk and lowered her head while she squeezes my hands tight.

"This was surprising, you really surprised me." She mumble, as she pulled me by the waist. Hugging me as she buried her head at the crook of my neck. This time I returned her hug as I wrapped my arms around her neck.

Hugging her as I patted her back.

"Then can I hug you the whole day?" She said making me smile.

"Hmmm..It's ok but you should explain it again with Mr. Yang why I'm not on my desk the whole half of the day. And I don't think he would believe your alibi this time." I said.

"Aish. I'm his boss, he should believe what I said." She said still not pulling away from me.

"He would cause you're his boss, but not literally. You see everyone one here in the office was talking about us." I said. And this made her pulled away from the hug.

"Huh? Talking about what?" She asked furrowing her brow. So she was oblivious all this time.

"You see this?" I said and pointed at the red mark on my neck. Which she gave me a while ago.

"Ow, I get it. But I intentionally put that on you." She said. Now it's my turn to looked at her with furrowed brow.

"What do you mean?" I asked curiously. Then she smirked at me mischievously.

"I marked you, because I want your Jeno to see that." She said that confused the hell out me. Making my brow arched.

"My Jeno?" I asked still confused.

"Yes, Mr. Jeno to be exact. You see I saw both of you last night. Kissing inside your car." She said emphasizing the last sentence to me. My eyes went wide open in disbelief. How?! Did she followed us?!

"Yes, I followed you. If that was the question inside your head. You know I was just worried. You know what I mean right?" She said straightforwardly. I just sighed as I heard it, she saw me kissing someone else, aish what would she think of me now? After I confessed to her, I was kissing a guy later that night. I scrunches my eyes and massages my forehead feeling frustrated at the moment.

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