47: Revealed

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Winter's POV

"Karina.", I called out her name, as I stare at her side profile, while my hands are wrapped around her shoulder. She was busy watching t.v, as we sat here at their sofa with us alone since her sisters were already sleeping at their rooms.

Her chubby cheeks as she smile, was so lovely, and I could literally spend a whole day staring at her.

"Hmm?" She hummed not looking at me, she was so focus watching her favorite series. That I'm not a fan, I like cartoons more. But since Karina love these kind of show then I'll watch it then, or maybe not since I'm watching her instead of the show.

"Karina.", I repeated her name, and continue staring at her.

"Yup?", She answered still not looking at me, so l-

"Karina.", I called out her name again, with a toothy grin. I'm actually just annoying her.

And it was a success, because when she turned her head and looked at me, her brows are furrowed and she was pouting. And it's so fucking cute.

"Minjeong-aah?~" She whined and slapped my thigh, and looking annoyed.

"I'm sorry, I just can't helped it. You're too engrossed at that show and I-", I said and paused. She raised her brows anticipating what will I say next.

"And I kind of miss you. I don't know, you're here with me but I still kind of miss you." I said, and chuckled at my own silliness. And slightly shaking my head in disbelief. My dream, about her getting bumped by a car, looks so real. And it's bothering me.

Karina then pulled my left arm and hugged it while she leaned her head on my shoulder.

"Are you still thinking about your dream? or you just want me to be, always this close to you so you wouldn't miss me?" She said, her questions took me by surprised it was exactly what I have in mind.

"It's both. How did you know?", I answered. Looking surprised.

" I just guessed?, waeyo? so you really are thinking of that dream of yours? I told you don't have to think of it too much, I'm here with you now and I'm fine Winter." She said and pointed at herself smiling and assuring me that she's fine.

"And about you wanting me to stick with you like this so you won't have to miss me? Hahaha, you're too demanding huh", She laughed and pinched my nose, while she pursed her lip. Treating me like a baby.

"Well I'm ok with it. But- I have needs, because you know.there are some unavoidable situations like.... pooping?" She said and showed me her adorable smile. And I almost choke when I just realized that those lines just came from me. As I remember.

I burst out laughing, can't believe I would laugh like this again. God if this was a dream I don't even want to wake up anymore.


Outside Winter's room.

"I'm afraid to tell you, that your daughter has schizophrenia, she lost gasped on what's real due to all those things that happened to her on these past few days. She chooses to create this world inside her head, where she wouldn't feel pain. This is what we call psychosis episode. And reading the files of your late husband, I could say that this disease was genetically inherited by your daughter. She has this a long time ago but it all worsen and triggered by the events that occured to her." The doctor said holding and reading the papers in her hand.

Mrs.  Kim suddenly felt her knees weaken causing her to slightly lost her balance, but was quickly held by Giselle holding her arm to support her.

"I know this was gonna happen sooner or later. I was supposed to be prepared, but seeing my daughter like this now? Is breaking my heart, why does she have to suffer like her father? This is so unfair. Tell me Ms. Joohyun, what do we need to do to help my daughter? Please tell me that we can bring her back to normal.", Mrs. Kim said, not holding back her tears anymore and started to weep for her daughter. She held on her chest, and glanced at the transparent small window on the door, watching in pity of her daughter talking to herself.

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