27: Afraid

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Karina's POV

-At the office.-

Winter had fetched me again this morning. And I can't explain how happy I am when I saw her standing outside and waiting for us. She seems ok now, I was really worried of her yesterday, but hopefully it was nothing.

Now she's seating at her desk and looking so serious while she was working.

But she seldom glance at me and smiling.

"Karina! good morning!" Yunjin exclaimed and hug me from the back greeting me.

"Good morning.", I said and smiling as I turned my head on her.

"How's your weekend?" Yunjin said as she sat on her seat and fixing her things.

"Great, it was great.", I answered smiling, as I remember I just spent my whole weekend with Winter.

"Great?", Yunjin then looked at me with squinting eyes, and hover her eyes on me.

"Hmm, you're looking really pretty today . And looking so happy, what's with-", Yunjin paused and her eyes went wide and looking at something. I've turned my head on where she was looking.

Yunjin uickly grab my hand and checked on the ring that I was wearing closely.

"Is this an engagement ring?" Yunjin asked furrowing her brow.

"Uhmm. yes?", I mumbled biting on my lip.

"Oh my God!",Yunjin exclaimed almost jumping in shocked. I quickly held her hand and shhsss her cause her voice suddenly raised making everyone looking at our direction. Yunjin quickly covered her mouth, and bow as she apologize with the sudden outburst.

"Was it her unnie? Did Winter proposed to you? Oh my God.", Yunjin asked while shaking my arm excitedly.

"Yes, just yesterday. And it's a long story.", I said smiling and tucking my hair at the back of my ear. Getting really flustered as I talked about this matter with someone else.

"O.M.G, then you have lot of things to tell me." Yunjin said giggling on her seat.

"I will but later." I said nodding at her. But Yunjin then tapped my arm and wiggling her brow pointing at somewhere. I quickly turn my head on it, and saw Winter looking at us then suddenly she picked up her phone.

Ring~ Ring~ my phone begun to ring, and Winter pointed at her phone telling me to pick up mine. And so i did.

"Can you come here for a sec?", Winter said. And hang up quickly, it's funny that she asked yet she didn't wait for me to answer and leaving me no choice but to obey her.

"That was fast?" Yunjin mumbled. As she saw me end up the call.

"She just told me to go to her office, I don't know why?", I said and got up from my seat.

"Aw~ go Karina ~ your fiancee, might be missing you already." Yunjin said and chuckled at her own statement. I just shakes my head and smile in response.

Then I went towards Winter's office as she told me. Winter then opened the fog lights of her office. Aish, what was she thinking now opening the fog lights?

I knocked first, and Winter opened the door and grabbed my arm and close the door locking it.

"Yah? why did you lock the door?", I asked furrowing my brow.

"Because I don't want anyone to disturb us.", Winter said and walked towards me eyeing me from below and going up meeting my eyes.

"Yah, if you are thinking of doing it here, I won't let you. It's early and we're at the office.", I said as I stepped back and stopped her from going near me.

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