59: Deep(M)

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At their table.

Winter's POV

"I'm sorry, does it hurt baby?", Karina asked me while caressing my cheek gently.

"Ani~", I answered shaking my head hastily, and hiding the stinging pain with wide smile. My wife pinched my cheek a bit hard a while ago and still hurt until now. I should really remind myself not to make her jealous.

Aw~ this is freaking painful. I whined crying deep inside when Karina's hand brushed my cheek. But my eyes went down and was fixated on her beautiful asset. That made me gulped hard.

We sat with our guests and have a wonderful night chatting and laughing with each other, of course drinks are present. And my wife? She's getting hotter every passing time, she's drunk and I know it. She's getting really touchy. And I dunno if I can keep my sane at this rate.

"Baby? Why are you so red?", Karina mumbled her hand leaving my cheek but went on top of my thigh and to my freaking surprise she squeezes it while her eyes was gazing at my lip, fuck. Am I really red? I think the alcohol is hitting the hell out of me as well. Because I could feel my blood boiling.

My hands balled into fist on top of our table. Trying to control my self for lusting over my wife's vulnerable state. This is bad. Does she have any idea of what she's doing to me?

"Are you ok baby? You're sweating too much?", Karina moved more closer to me her breast pressing on my arm, while trying to check my temperature by putting her hand on my forehead.

"I'm o-ok.", I answered quickly, and avert my eyes off her, getting another shot of wine and drinking it straight ahead. Damn this fucking hormones.

"So, when are going back to the office? We really miss you so much.", My eyes diverted on the person who asked. Snapping me out of my thoughts, I almost forgot where am I. Yunjin asked my wife, she was sitting beside Karina , while the guys was sitting her.

"Ow~ jinjja? I miss working as well. I wish I could go back soon. But Winter and I, haven't talk about it yet.", Karina answered but her hand on my thigh has not yet left it. And I almost choke on my wine. When I felt her move her hand up and down and stroking my thigh agonizingly slow.

My lips pursed as my back hitched, 'godammit', I mumbled breathlessly.

That was illegal! How could she do this to me?!

"Then we should ask sajangnim about it?"

Did someone mention about me? Or not?, I can't focus on them talking with each other, because my wife's hand was going further up my crotch, still stoking her hand slowly. I glanced at her side, but she isn't looking at me. Oh great, you're testing my patience.

"Hey, Sajangnim?", I heard someone was calling out for me, but I kept on ignoring it.

I bit my lip hard, when Karina continued her ministrations on me. And I could feel my own arousal rising up. Then what she did next got me on the edge, Karina groped my center, and pressed her hand on my clothed sex.

"Fuck!", I shouted as scrunches my eyes closed. Balling my fist on the glass of wine I'm holding.


Then I heard the talking stopped.

I opened my eyes and saw everyone looking at me confusedly.

"O-ow, I f-forgot something. I just remembered now.", I reasoned out looking stoic, as I stood up on my seat in haste.

"I-I'll just get it. You guys please continue and have fun.", I said and move out of my seat. Grabbing my wife's hand.

"And you? You're coming with me.", I mouthed on her. She looked startled, but she did stood up on her seat. And let me drag her away from our table.

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