25: [M]Picnic

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Karina's POV

I was woken up by the feeling of something heavy rested on my waist. And wrapping my body, I slowly opened my eyes as I gain my consciousness back.

But then I felt a sudden coldness run through my skin, my eyes went bigger as I realized that I was naked. And remembered everything that happened before I fell asleep.

I bit my lip and felt my cheeks burning, when I checked underneath my blanket and saw her arm wrapped around my bare waist.

We really did it? it wasn't a dream. Oh my God. I was hearing my hearts loud thump again, as I felt her bare skin rubbing on back.

"Calm down Yu Jimin." Aish, this position is driving me really crazy, why didn't I even wear back even my undies after we did it?!

"Uhmm.." I heard Winter's small groan, and felt her arm pulled my body closer to her spooning me, feeling more of her bare skin on mine.

And suddenly I felt her nose nuzzle on my bear shoulder, and if I'm not mistaken those soft and sloppy thing that gently patted my back was her lips, that was sending shivers along my spine, making my back arched in response.

"Good morning~" Winter mumbled on my ear, as her lips brushed along it and tickling me a bit. Making my head tilt and my shoulder jerked up covering my ear. I turned my head on the side to look at person behind me, whose grinning now from ear to ear.

"Did you have a wonderful sleep?" She asked wiggling her eyebrow on me, which made my eyes rolled up in disbelief. What was that all about? she looks like she just won a lottery smiling like that early in the morning.

I turned my body around still covered with the blanket as I faced her.

"You look so happy huh?" I said with a sly smirk plastered on my lips.

"Of course!, I just have the most gorgeous and sexiest girlfriend beside me when I woke up. There's nothing more perfect than this." Winter said smiling and staring at me with those beautiful brown orbs. And it was really mesmerizing, that you'll get drown into it, and wanting more of it. I want her to stare at me like that all the time.

I brought my hands on her face as I gently palmed her cheek and caressed it with my thumb. But then Winter held my hand with her and rubbed her thumb at the back of it while staring deep into my eyes.

Winter leaned her head slowly closer to me, and capturing my lips. It was gentle yet demanding as I felt her nibbling on it, and it made my heart pound frantically. I could feel myself getting really turned on when Winter begun to suck my bottom lip, it made me open my mouth as I wanted her to deepened the kiss. She slid her tongue as soon as I parted my lips.

Winter's fingers started to clawed on my skin, giving me these insane feeling of lust, as we both taste each other. Winter's tongue explored every inch of my mouth licking and sucking on my lip.

I couldn't take it anymore as I went above Winter, topping her as I sat my bare sex on her groin. Making her whimper at the sudden contact. I could feel my self getting wet and I know Winter felt it too. As I felt her smile between our heated kiss.

"Uhr fuck." a moan escaped her lips as we parted for a second as I started to grind my wet sex on her. Her hands grip my waist on both side, pulling me for more friction.

We smashed back our lips roughly, as I begun biting her lower lip, almost making it bleed. And her writhing in pain was driving me so damn crazy.

I sat myself up to sped up my movements, and backing my hips sliding up and down her groin area and putting all my weight to feel more of our soaking sexes lapping at each other.

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