42: Opposite [M]

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Both was panting hard, as they laid flat on the futton bed. Both are naked and their bodies was slick, sweats running through their skin. As Ning held her half lidded eyes staring at the girl beneath her with lust. Her hands was keeping Giselle arms intact above her head, preventing the girl to move. While her other hands was brushing along the latter's bare skin, seducingly.

"You wanted this right?", Ning mumbled breathing against Giselle's ear. Her fingers tracing the girl's stomach, going up agonizingly slow and reaching the perfect perked mounds looking excited for her. Ning cupped one of the mound aggresively, earning her ah silent whimper from the girl. Giselle back arched at the sudden touch, pressing her thighs feeling her own arousal. As she never seen Ning being this bold, and the sudden change in the latter's attitude made her really excited.

Ning's furrowed when she didn't recieved any answer from the girl below her, making her even more challenge and eager to make the girl beg for her, Ning then gives the girl wet and sloppy kisses below it's ear and seldom peeked her tongue out and lick the latter's earlobe. While her hand do it's work from massaging the mound to roughly pinching the nub, giving her the sight of girl closing her eyes and biting her lip tight.

"Uhh..~", Giselle soft moans escaping from her mouth was enough for Ning to get even rougher, Ning's kisses went further down from her neck down to her collar bone leaving no place untouched. Giselle's arms was pinned down above her, and everytime she tried to escape, wanting to touch Ning her arms would be slammed back against the floor. The last time they did it she was incontrol, but this time Ning wouldn't let her. Like she was being punished, and it is what she like.

Ning tongue travel down in between those two mounds, while her eyes never left the girl and enjoying the girl's reaction everytime she do something to her body. Her mouth eventually found it's target, her tongue circled around the perky nub, biting and sucking it like what Giselle wanted it. While her other hand continued playing the other nub. Making Giselle whimper frantically, her breathing getting heavier and she could feel her sex getting damped already.

Ning could hear Giselle ragged breathing and she knew the girl was so into it now. But she wanted the girl to beg for it, after she satisfied herself playing with the latter's now reddened nub. She release Giselle's hand as she went further down, running her tongue along Giselle's stomach. Tasting every inch of the girl.

"Uhhm..mm", Giselle's moans are becoming more seductive, making Ning's heart pumped rapidly. Making her want to ravish the girl more. Giselle's hands was finally released and as soon as it was released she pulled Ning up, and demanded for a kiss. Which Ning gave her, she kissed the girl roughly parting their mouth open to welcome each other's tongue eagerly. Their kiss becoming more and more sloppy, and wild. Ning's body slides in between

Giselle's leg to deepend their kiss.

Their sexes met, earning a humped from Giselle , as she felt her own wetness spreading at Ning damped sex. Making them both gasped in contact.

"Uhr, shit.", Ning groaned between their kissed. She held Giselle thigh up, wanting to feel more of the girl's arousal on her own. Giselle spread her legs more as her hands wrapped around Ning's torso tight. As the girl started to slide up and down, grinding their wetness.

"Fuck Giselle , oh fuckhhh." Ning pulled away from the kiss and gasped at Giselle's ear as she fasten her pace, grinding fast, feeling her own clit stiffen from the friction their making.

"Uhh.., oww..uhh.", Giselle's finger was already scrapping at Ningning's back.

As she felt the something was already building up below her stomach. She was panting so hard and Ning grinding on her wet sex was making her insane..

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