11: [M]Test

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Winter's POV

I was surprised to see her enter my office. Oh I remember I told her to come to my office last night, when I still wanted to talk to her. I almost forgot about it-


Why is she locking the door?

"Ms. Yu?" I asked, as confusion was written all over my face. But she just walked towards me in haste.

She was walking closer to me, without even breaking our eye contact. Is she going to slap me again? Because of what I did earlier in the elevator?

But what she did next startled the hell out of me.

She sat on my lap! What the hell is she doing? I was left gawking as she stares into my eyes looking seductively.

Then she moves her hand and traces my jaw with her finger, in a fucking slow motion. I didn't notice my mouth was hunged open until she moves my chin up with her finger and closing it.

I gulped as I felt tense with her stares. Then she moves her head close to my ears.

"Let's do it here." She whispered with a husky tone, while brushing her lip along my ear. My eyes went wide open in shock as I heard it.

Did I heard it right?

Did? Did she said that we 'do it' here?

I quickly got up from my seat.

Which startled her. Then I removed all the things above my desk and throwing it aside hastily.

Then I turned back to her.

"You know there's no backing out right?" I said looking at her in the eyes intensely.

I could see the doubt in her eyes, but I was surprised as she moves towards me. And wrapped her arms around my neck and pulling me into a rough kiss, she's being too aggressive and I'm not complaining.

We kissed like we've been craving for each other for a long time. Like we hadn't taste each other for a whole damn year that's how much this kiss is needy.

"Uhmm, I heard her moan, and it's fucking sexy. I pulled away from the kiss and encircled both my arms around her torso and trying lift her up to seat on my table which I cleaned specially for her but she already about to lifted herself.

I went back again on kissing her hungrily, and it was getting more intense as she bite my lower lip, making me gasped and open my mouth. And when I opened it, she inserted her tongue inside, and met mine, I could taste how sweet her lips are and it's so fucking addicting. Our tongue dance torridly and battling for dominance. My mind was in haze, my arms was gripping her body tighter. While she hugged me on my neck and stroking my hair with her fingers as we deepened the kiss.

Oh fuck, she's too fucking hot. I can't control myself anymore. I want her so bad.

I only pulled away as air gets thinner, but I went back after a second, my heart was beating so fast as we share this hot kiss and every seconds that passed I was filled with lust. This time I time I want to taste every bit of her skin so I went down to her neck kissing it roughtly as I brought my hands inside her dress and just above her thigh caressing it. I'm glad that this time she wear a dress. Making it easier for me touch her skin.

I started to nipping on her neck, while I move my hands enjoying her smooth skin, and slowly going further onto her inner thigh.

"Winter~" Fuck, at last I heard my name coming from her mouth and just by hearing it, was enough to make me high.

"Fuck. Karina.." I groaned on her neck as I sucked it and started to crawled my fingers on her skin. Making her squirm in pleasure. I will fucking leave marks on her, I'm going to make that guy see that this girl is mine.

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