48: Everything

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Giselle's POV

We gave Winter a medicine, for her to get back to her senses. And it did work for the meantime. But Ms. Joohyun said, that her mind wasn't stable specially now that she is suffering from depression because of what happened to Karina.

Now that Winter woke up, and finally seeing us. I felt relieve, but I wished she'll stay at her sane for good. My poor friend doesn't deserve to suffer like this.

This is just too much.

"Giselle, please let me see Karina? Please tell me where is she.", Winter mumbled pleading at me, squeezing my arms unconsciously. I could feel the tense in her voice, while her hands was so cold, she's anxious.

Her eyes was already glistening in tears. And it breaks my heart, witnessing again the same state she's been into when her father left them.

I wanted to tell her where Karina is, but I don't know if it's ok? cause I don't want to cause her another break down. So I turned my head on Ms. Joohyun's direction trying to ask if it's ok, Ms. Joohyun saw me looking at her and she probably sensed the questions I had in my eyes as she nods, indicating that it's ok.

"I'll bring you to her. I know Winter, I know you need to see her, I said and held Winter's wrist tugging it and pulling her to follow me.

"Auntie, is it ok?", I stopped in front of Mrs. Kim asking her permission first, since I know how worried she is for her daughter.


"Of course Giselle sweetie, go on. Go see her Winter. Karina sure is waiting for you.", Mrs. Kim mumbled softly and caressed Winter's cheek with her thumb, and looking at her daughter's eyes lovingly. Winter was taken aback, as her heart beats frantically when the thoughts of Karina's situation flashed back on her.

"Mom..I'm so sorry for worrying you.", Winter mumbled softly and suddenly pulled her mom into a tight hug, which surprised the latter, not expecting her daughter to show affection to her after all these years of being distant to her.

It was a shock as well to Giselle because she knows Winter didn't have a good relation to her mother ever since her father's incident, it was like Winter was so different after she wakes up.

Mrs. Kim was stunned for seconds unable to catch on what's happening to her daughter, but before Winter pulled away from the hug.

"It's ok sweetie, please be alright. For her.", Mrs. Kim whispered on Winter's ear as she tapped Winter's back in comfort.

Winter parted from the hug, and gave her mother a nod. Smiling bittersweetly, while smudging her face and wiping her tears dry. Before stepping back and tugging Giselle's hand, pulling her bestfriend towards the door.


After Winter and Giselle left.

"You're daughter seems like a good person. And so inlove.", Ms. Joohyun said pursing her lip as she fixed her eye glasses. And slightly smile at the mother.

"Winter is a sweet and a very loving daughter, she always is, but I took it for granted. How I wish I could turn back time and been the mother that she deserves.", Mrs. Kim said, as she took a deep sigh. Brushing her arms as she remembered how she mistreated her daughter when her husband started to behave like a crazy person. Resulting them always arguing every single day. And it affected her relationship with her only daughter. Which she always been regretting then until now, but it was too late because Winter has became aloof after her husband died.

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