49: Water

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Ryujin's POV

"I will send the kids back home. Then they will be back here tomorrow morning Win.", I said as I went back on Winter's room. She was there standing and looking out on her window. She was in deep thoughts and I know exactly what occupies her thoughts. It's Karina, and I swear every time I think about her too, my guilt keeps bothering me.

"Ryudung", Winter replied, mumbling softly.

"Hmm?", I hummed as I approached my friend.

"Are you going back here tonight? After you sent the kids back?", Winter asked that got me curious.

"Of course Winter. If you want to. I can go back as soon as I dropped the kids back to their home.", I answered as I glance at my friend.

"I'm sorry if I will ask you to go back here knowing you haven't had any rest since last night. You see, Karina doesn't have any relatives beside her sisters to go and watch for her, her father doesn't know about it yet. And her mother can't go for some reason."Winter paused and sighed.

"I want to be with her but I'm a patient too, I already asked my doctor if I can watch Karina tonight, but she didn't let me because they also need to monitor me before my treatment. So I had no choice, you're the only person I can ask. I'm sorry.", Winter said as she looked at me with those worried eyes.

"Mindungie, you didn't have to say sorry. That makes me more guilty than I'm already was. I'm sorry Winter, everything was my fault, it would never happen if I didn't snapped out. I was supposed to be the one saying sorry for everything and not you.", I mumbled as I averted my eyes off her. And looking out from the window as well.

"No, it wasn't your fault. You didn't know I was already going crazy at that time. If only I was normal, then that would never happen. It was all my fault not yours.", Winter said that made me huffed in annoyance.

"Winter! Never ever blame yourself because you never wanted to have that illness. It wasn't your fault."

"It was."

"No, it's my fault." I said furrowing my brow.

"No, Ryujin, I'm serious it was MY fault."

"Winter, it's MY fault."

"Can you two please shut up?", A deep and scary voice suddenly came behind our back that took us in surprised.

"Oh God Giselle, you almost got me a heart attack.", I exclaimed holding my chest and panting hard, as I look where this girl was standing. And I've been wondering why is she with this actress since she came last night.

"It's annoying hearing both of you bickering whose fault it was. When you two are the one in fault. Both of you screwed up BIG TIME, so stop arguing about whose fault it is arasso?", Giselle said, glaring at the two of us and crossing her arms. Gosh it was scary, but the girl beside her just chuckled.

Aish this is embarrassing.

"By the way, who is she Giselle? Well I know her name, she's an actress. Ningning am I right?", I said as I looked at the person, she smiled and nod at me in response.

"I'm mean are you two?..", I asked with my brow raised up, trying to be subtle about my question.

"Yes, she's my girlfriend. Oh by the way this is Ryujin my friend since college, and this is-"

"Winter...my bestfriend.", Giselle said as she looked at Winter, and her eyes became soft as she introduces this girl beside me. She can find someone to love and be happy with, but Winter's impact to her is something else, and ever since they were kids she's been inlove with Winter. Of course we can't have a change of heart in just a matter of days. She still have something left for my friend. I think Ningning noticed that as she took a quick glance at Giselle.

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