12: Special

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Karina's POV

I just thought of something since it's already lunch..

Hmmm should I buy her the sandwich she asked for? And share it with her. I haven't seen her leave her office this lunch break, she's so workaholic. Haist.

And I'm only buying her a sandwich cause that is part of the game, I'm not doing this because I'm still expecting something from her.

And so I went to the elevator and will be heading to the cafeteria.

But when the elevator opens...

I saw a beautiful girl standing inside, she looks so feminine with the floral dress she is wearing and her long straight hair just matches her whole appearance, I was stunned as I see her, she was carrying a paper bag on her hand. And I know already why she was here.

When our eyes met, she gave me a wide smile and bow politely. I did the same to her before I went inside the elevator and her going outside and passed through me.

Before the the elevator close, she turned around and glanced back me again.

Then she did something that surprised me. She just gave me a smirk and it sends me unusual feeling, I felt kind of scared and confused at the same. I saw her walked again as the elevator door finally closed.

"She's going to see her." I mumble softly, as I clenched my hands close.

I had a bad feeling about that smirk. It was making me feel anxious, she wasn't that innocent like what her outer shell perceives and I know that, I saw her yesterday. She was seating on Winter's lap and kissing Winter aggressively.

I closed my eyes as I remembered it, and shakes my head trying to erase the thought of them kissing again.

Are they going to do something again? More than kissing? But Winter almost did it to me earlier don't tell me after what we did she'll have it again with another girl!?

The cafeteria was at the ground floor and our office was at the 23rd and I'm just thinking of getting down on any floor just go back to the office again.

Should I go back or not?

I scrunches my face as my mind was having a debate right now.

I'm at 15th floor now. Fuck, I'll go back. So I got outside of the elevator on the 15th floor and pressed again the up button to ride one going up. As soon as I got inside the elevator, I immediately pressed 23rd floor.

"I swear if I saw them doing it I'm going to strangle her to death. Aish." I mumble as I huffed in annoyance.

I was tapping my foot getting really impatient as I watched the numbers on the elevator changes.



Why is it so slow!?



Ok... wew 1 more to go~


Ting! The door opens, and I immediately stormed outside the elevator.Walking fast as I head towards her office, with my heart beating like crazy.

I didn't stop and care if someone was looking at me going to her office now. I don't fucking care anymore what they say about me.

I didn't knocked either as I went inside her office.

But what I saw shocked me.

Winter was strangling Giselle and pinning the girl on the wall.

"Winter?" I said furrowing my brow in confusion.

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