39: Ring

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Ningning made her way out of Giselle's unit. And now walking in haste with her head low, along the hallway. Clenching her hands tight, and biting her lip to supressed herself from being vulnerable. Denying herself from showing weakness. Although she's not expecting anything from Giselle, cause she herself put up a cover up from her own feelings by using her friend. Seeing Giselle's looked at her bestfriend with so much love, still does affect her a lot.

'Am I jealous?', Ningning mumbled to herself, with a sly smirk. Amused by her own damn feelings.

After minutes of spacing out while walking in haste, Ningning reached the parking ground in no time. Making her way inside her car, as quick as possible trying hard to keep herself from looking back.

Ningning's POV

I thought I was ready to see it with my own eyes. Cause I'm well aware of it. I know she's madly inlove with that person, but damn why can't my heart accept it?

"Your bestfriend was inlove with someone else, and I never knew it would hurt me to see you giving your all for someone who couldn't give it back to you?, I can't..I can't stand seeing you like that Giselle . I'm sorry." I mumbled gripping tight at the steering wheel of my car. Narrowing my gaze at the building exit. Now heaving a deep sigh.

"I guessed I have to stop now.", I mumbled dropping my head at the wheel.

Closing my eyes and feeling so exhausted.


At Giselle's unit.

Giselle pulled Winter's arm and wrapped it around her neck. And her arm around winter's waist to support her friend's weight. Giving all her strenght, she pushed herself to stand up while lifting up the latter.

She walked so slowly, while dragging Winter's body along with her. And as soon as she reached her bed. Giselle slumped her body down on the matress of her bed, with Winter lying beside her.

Giselle facing the ceiling of her room. With a straight face.

"She already left. And I let her leave like that?", Giselle mumbled softly still not showing any sign of emotion, and just staring blankly at the ceiling.

"who that  Aeri-yyah?", Winter mumbled, lying flat on the matress with her front.

Her half lidded eyes looking at her bestfriend. And can't still manage to feel her body, numb from all the alcohol she took in.

"That's Ningning. And you know what she said she likes me.", Giselle said flatly.

"Wol, thaz good for youu~ You shud layk er bakk.", Winter mumbled, slowly closing her eyes.

Giselle closed her eyes, and laughed at her bestfriend who's still talking despite the effect of alcohol.

But her laugh slowly went down, and her eyes starting to betray her. When a dropped of tear escaped it's way from her eyes. Followed by another dropped. Until she couldn't control the volume coming out from her eyes, even if she blocked it, wiping it with the back of her hands.

"Shorry, did I? shaid? sed shomthing wrong?", Winter asked hazily, trying to lift her head still with half lidded eyes, to check on her friend.

"No-, you didn't said anything wrong. It's just I did something wrong. ", Giselle murmured while sobbing.

"I think I hurted her. But I didn't mean to.", Giselle added, her sobs getting more louder.

"Aeri-yah..", Winter murmured while crawling over Giselle's side, as she extended her arm at the top of the girl, pulling it close to her and side hugging her bestfriend.

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