10: Let's Play

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Winter's POV

"Why would it concern you? Do you have any feelings for me?" She asked looking directly into my eyes. I gulped as I heard it, and my mind was suddenly filled with questions. Am I feeling something for her?

And thinking about it, I didn't like seeing her beside that guy, nor thinking she likes him. It's making me mad. Does this mean I have feelings for her? If I do then what is it? Maybe I'm just being possessive, territorial, or more? Something more deeper than that?

I lowered my head cause I can't look at her eyes like this.

"Does it matter to you?" I asked still looking at the floor.


The silence was killing me, my mind is in chaos right now. I don't know how to answer and what to answer to her.

"I'm asking you if you have feelings for me. You answer me first." She said.

I clenched my eyes closed and heave a deep sigh before I opened it and look at her in the eyes.

"None." I said looking straight to her. I had to lie. It was a lie cause I admit I do have something for her but I can't seem to find the courage to say it.

There's so many things in my mind right now, I have so many things that I'm afraid of. My throat was getting dry now. My heart was beating loud and it feels like something was scrunching it. Making it hard for me to breath.

"Then stop." She said. As her brow furrowed.

"Stop confusing me please." She said as she gulped.

"Stop kissing me." She said as her eyes started to get watery.

"Stop hugging me. Stop touching me." She said as her tears finally fell.

"Stop saying things that's making my heart flutters-......because it makes me fall for you even more." She said as she lowered her head still crying.

"Just stop everything! Everything that you are doing to me!" She shouted and cried even harder. As she clenched her hands closed. Before she turned around and pushed the door open. And stomped her feet out of the restroom. Leaving me here stunned.

I just frozed at my stand still blank. She just confessed to me and I'm here not even sure what to feel. Am I happy that she feel something for me? Or scared that she has? Oh fuck, this is fucking driving me crazy.

That person doesn't deserve to get hurt and that is something I'm only good at. Hurting someone.

"I'm sorry." I mumble softly as I scrunches my eyes closed and brushing my hair roughly.

God why am I being so stupid! I want her so bad that's all I know. What feelings should I tell her then!?

"Urhhg!" I groan as slam my hand on the wall in frustration.


Karina's POV

I run back to our table and get all my things I left. Before I leave the pub.

"Karina, where are you going?" Yunjin shouted as she saw me dashed out of the place. I ignored her and continue walking with my head down. I don't want them to see me crying.

Why did I even cry in front of her? And why did I confessed?! I'm really stupid.

The way she answered me earlier, It hurts me. I never knew I felt something for her not until she told me that she does not feel anything for me at all, I felt my world crash down in front of me, I felt like my heart has been crumpled and stab hundred of times, that's how much pain I felt when she looked at me in the eyes and tell it straight to my face. I felt disappointed because I expect her to feel the same way that I do or even less of it. 

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