04: The Awkward Dinner

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Owen's pov.
It was never a peaceful morning in our lives as the Aslan Family, we originally were going to take Cassius last name but we of course decided with Malachai's, mainly because it was a freaking amazing last name and because of his family.

"Wenny my love, I'm going to go workout in the gym call me if you need me, okay?" Cassius pulled me into him and kissed my forehead.

"Alright cass."

Malachai was now obviously managing between his acting and his big ole business, sometimes I forgot what he actually does other than acting,  but it comes back to me every now and then.

Its been about three days since We've met Averil, he's absolutely gorgeous and he would be the most perfect omega to complete our relationship.

I'd never say that out loud though! Maybe to my mates since they probably think the same, they most definitely think the same!

I marched back into my art room and looked at my new sketch, it was a head to shoulder sketch of Averil. I know weird.. but I couldn't help it.. the way he talks just trigger my artsy brain and in that moment when he was talking to me and my mates I simply couldn't hold back.

Bailey somehow ended up clinging to my leg so I dropped my paint brushed and picked her up.

"Papa, blood." She pouted looking up at me with those pretty dark eyes.

I couldn't help it! Cassius told me to stop spoiling her and give her blood when it was necessary but how could I ignore such a cute little girl.

"Were gonna have to be quiet okay? If daddy hears us going to the kitchen he's going to know!" I whispered playfully.

And it worked, it always did! If you want kids to actually be quiet you have to make it seem like its a game.. I definitely learned the hard way.

Averils pov
Why was I always a person that settled for less? It's beginning to become an issue because all I was use to was the bare minimum...

And Dane wasn't helping.. like at all. He's been fusing all day about how Malachai invited us for dinner.

He of course agreed since he found out the company he's working for is owned by Malachai so he wants to get on his side for some stupid brownie points.. AND I of course had to break it down little by little to cheer him up because as soon as he grabs that beer bottle shit breaks loose.

But he apologized for hurting my wrist and he bought me chocolates.. it made me really happy actually.

He even kissed me.. on the cheek.

I was making a dish for the dinner, I wanted to bring a little something so I just settled on making an lasagna looking Alfredo... definitely wasn't D-I-Ying it..

"And make sure its good.. maybe bake a fucking treat for the fuckers... fucking vampires they are shit At everything.. they show little to no dominance." He ranted on before reaching in the fridge.

I sighed.

He looked at me with a glare and came up behind me. "What was that? Do you have an attitude." He whispered closely to my ear before yanking my hair back.

I closed my eyes, I did it a lot when he would get aggressive it actually calmed me down, not saying I could do anything since he's much stronger than me. But it calmed my nerves.

"No, alpha." I mumbled lowly just wanting him to let go of my curls. Once he walked away with his beer, I cried.

I knew nothing would change so I cried silently making sure he didn't hear me, because he hated when I cried.. It pissed him off because all I seemed to do was cry. His words.

Sometimes I wished I never met him but theres times I remember when he has helped me with a lot. He helped me when I lost my mother due to her having cancer.. he helped me when I lost my father because the death of his mate was too devastating and he wasn't very strong like my mother because he was an Omega.

Time passed pretty quickly and about time it was time to go to their home for dinner I had just finished cooking.

Dane insisted that I'd go and get dressed in something else but I didn't .. it was literally just a casual dinner and I looked casual. So with that I wrapped up the pasta and placed a cloth under it and me and Dane made our way to their home.

"Dont be acting like a fucking fool when we get in here, and don't embarrass me." He gripped the same bruised wrist tightly I couldn't help but let out a yelp.

Tears almost entered my eyes from the pain

Their door opened quickly, it was Cassius. Dane kissed my hand as if nothing happened and attempted to shake Cassius hands but he just opened the door for us, completely ignoring Dane.

Cassius was staring at me the whole time I avoided his eye contact and I'm pretty sure Dane was doing the same thing.

I carried the dish with care as me and Dane walked in. Owen lead Dane to the dining area and Cassius held me back I scrunched up my face looking up at him.


He pulled me into his body, his hand tight around my waist and then he grabbed my chin. "If he's hurting you.." I scoffed and pushed him back.

"It's none of your business Cassius.." I whispered yell. "And no he's not hurting me." I looked back to make sure Dane wasn't in sight to see what just happened.

It took the dish from me and locked the front door. "Averi-"

"You've known me for three days.. please do not." And with that I walked into the dining room to greet Malachai and Owen.

"It's so nice to see you Averil! If Bailey was up she would've want to see you, she's been talking about you all day." Owen grinned.

Malachai was placing dishes onto the table while talking to Dane about business.

"Oh my goodness! It smells so good!" Owen took my dish from Cassius as he leaned in.

Cassius was whispering something in Owens ear making him tense up. I frowned because I knew it was exactly about.

Why can't they just leave me and my business alone? All I was doing was being a kind neighbor because I was pretty sure our other neighbors were judging them for no reason.

"I think its about time we start eating the food wont eat itself." Malachai joked making everyone laugh but me.

I just hope this dinner would go by smoothly.

"Yes I agree lets dig in!" Dane added with fake enthusiasm, only I could tell it was fake, everything about him was fake.. I was beginning to believe our love was fake.

Lay low lay low lay low baby keep it lowkey

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Lay low lay low lay low baby keep it lowkey

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