08: Puppy.

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Malachai's pov
I was making breakfast for my mates and couldn't help but peep out at the beautiful Omega across the street, he was watering his plants.

I've noticed Every time he was in his garden it looked like he was most at peace.

Owen walked in with Bailey in his hands. I grinned at the girl with the messy pigtails in her hair.

"Someones having a bad hair day." I chuckled and took her from Owen's arms who was too busy staring at Averil from the window to notice.

I sat Bailey in her seat and gave her a plate full of pancakes covered in bloody syrup.

" I thought we had him when we were making out in front of him" Owen whined.

Cassius ran down the stairs to fix his share of breakfast, I looked at him with one stern look and he started walking.

"He was a bit scared, were dealing with an omega who's not used to affection, were going to show him how he's supposed to be treated." I spoke referring to Averil.

Cassius looked at him through the window. "I think the bastard he's dating is doing some shit to him." He slipped a pancake onto his plate and used regular syrup.

Owen frowned. "I don't know he just seems like a big bully, Averil never seems truly happy when he's by him."

Averil's pov
I watered my plants, one of my flowers looked a little down so I went to go talk to her, I think her and the other flower friends enjoyed the talk.

I know im crazy for talking to my plants but it works, I promise!

I watched the school bus pick up Bailey and I frowned, I thought I was going to babysit her today?

I couldn't help but feel like there were eyes on me, so I looked across the street and there they were, those three vampires were staring at me with their scary glowing red eyes through the window.

I scrunched up my face dropping the water can and ran towards the front door. It was more of me gripping my stomach in pain and jogging but whatever.. I didn't even make it in time because Owen called me.

I turned around seeing him standing at his door with a smile as bright as the sun. "Come have breakfast with us!" I was about to deny but my stomach protested and I made my way across the street almost hesitantly

I made my way inside their house not getting enough of their grand foyer, before I could compliment it Owen pulled me in a hug with his arms around my waist. I awkwardly hugged back.

My wolf begged me to scent him and I fought the urge with every fiber of my being but I failed and I ended up rubbing my neck against his.

Owen immediately relaxed.

I purred against him letting out soft whines as I scented him all over with my scent.

"Aren't you so lovely? A beautiful omega." He praised, rubbing my lower back and pushed me even closer to him.. his hands trailed down to my thighs and he gave them a small squeeze.

I rubbed my face against his slowly stopping once I heard footsteps.

"He's such a pup." A voice scared me and I realized immediately what I was doing and I backed away from Owen until my back hit the front door a little too hard.

"It's okay Honey— no it's okay, shit." Owen looked back at Cassius and Malachai.

I winced but I also braced myself for the insults I would receive for scenting someone who doesn't belong to me. I hugged myself and looked down at the marble floors.

You're so fucking stupid.

I know.

Oh my goodness?! What the hell was I thinking. "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." I bit my lips almost peeling the skin off.

"It's okay, sweet. You just wanted him to smell like you, right?" Malachai slowly walks towards me. I nodded slowly still looking at the floor not sure if its okay to look up.

"You just want affection and thats okay, alright?" He had is arms out, I looked at him unsure of what to do.

Dane would smell Malachai on me, but just to feel as if I'm important for just a second or two.. I'd take the hits Dane would give me for this.

I tried my best not to cry as I slowly walked towards him, but I ended up bursting in tears when he wrapped his arms around me.

Then I ended up Sandwiched between him and Cassius and Owen. Hands were in my hair and rubbing my back. I continued to cry my eyes out, I was just so overwhelmed by the touches I was receiving without begging or taking a punch in the stomach just to get a lazy hug and a "i did it because i love you"

"It's okay puppy, we're going to take care of you." Cassius whispered in my ear. Before kissing my wet nose.

My cries quieted down and I was just sniffling. I didn't notice we were sitting down in the living area, I was by Owen and Cassius was behind me and Malchai was on Owen's side.

"Are you okay now?" Owen whispered rubbing my scalp gently. I nodded resting my head against his shoulder. 

"Now that I notice, you have horrible eye bags, have you not been getting sleep Averil?" Cassius held my face softly just studying my features.

I wanted to say no, and tell them the real reason why, that the pain from Dane's blows.

That they were getting to me and that my stomach and side were in horrible pain, but I wouldn't dare..

"Uhm I just struggle to sleep sometimes." I fidgeted with my fingers. Malachai obviously caught the lie, cause he looked down at my fingers and he squinted his eyes at me.

It was a habit I needed to break out of.

"Are you still up for breakfast?" Owen asked me. My stomach answered for me. I held back a whimper at the sudden pain in my stomach, the medicine was definitely wearing off.

All three of them chuckled. Cassius held my hand and led me to their kitchen. Own and Malachai followed.

"So we have pancakes we can heat up, have you tried blood grape orange juice? It's super good!" Owen's golden retriever energy was back.

"Uhm I don't think I should drink blood." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"Why not?" Cassius poured himself a drink of the orange juice.

"Because I haven't shifted in like a few months and it may cause me to shift, cause its like im hunting because of the taste of blood." I sighed

"What do you mean you haven't shifted in a few months." Malachai looked at me with the most worried look on his face.

"Uhm I've just been super busy." I lied, it feels like all I did was lie. "Would you like to shift now? You're in a safe place.." Cassius rubbed my waist softly.

I thought about how I would have to get undress and.. then all my thoughts disappeared when a yawn came out.

"I just want a nice breakfast and the longest nap possible."

I LITERALLY hated this book until now, I WAS SO CLOSE TO DELETING IT

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I LITERALLY hated this book until now, I WAS SO CLOSE TO DELETING IT.

yall comments got me laughing like a villain.. yall better buckle up cs this about to be a long ass ride!!

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