24: reflect and detect

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Averil's pov
Ive reflected on the pass few days and realized that my relationship with my mates, yes mates I have to get use to saying that.

Anyways our relationship has grown and I finally feel appreciated in life I feel like I'm loved an care for. Where I lack in life and try to do better in they help me do better and they correct me when I'm wrong.

I feel heard, I feel seen.. and it's overwhelming because I've lived a life of being loved then unloved and loved again but this here is actual love.

I don't even have to ask them to do the bare minimum because they do.. they all take turns every week or two when I wash my hair.

I actually watched them watch a video on how to take care of my hair texture and it nearly sent me into tears.

And Bailey, she's an amazing child I wouldn't want to spend any time with any other child but her.

We often play in the back yard together and we've gone to the neighborhood park together. I can't wait to spend more time with the little girl.

"Avi! Avi!" I closed my journal and hid it in the crack under the wall. I turned to see Bailey and she has her homework in her hands.

"Help me please!" I chuckled and placed her on my lap. She laid the paper flat on the desk and I went through a few problems with her and eventually watched her do the last few by herself.

"Good job Bebs!" I pat her on the back.

"Lets go eat breakfast, yea?" She shook her head quickly and jumped off of my lap.

We walked downstairs holding hands. Bailey told me about her dream, she chased unicorns and Kinidy was in her dream.

I told her about mines.

I fixed her oatmeal and cut fresh fruits and tossed them in the bowl. We settled down at the kitchen table. While she ate oatmeal I had a cup of coffee and buttery toast.

"Is that all Avi?" She looked at my food. I smiled and shook my head. "Yep."

She tilted her head and frowned.

She shoved her bowl my way and looked at me with puppy eyes. "But Papa needs to eat too!" My eyes widened at what she called me and I looked around to see if Malachai, Owen or Cassius were around.

"Uhm, no thank you! See Im so full already!" I finished the last edge of my toast and rubbed my stomach.

She giggles at the expression I made and pulls the bowl back to herself. "I think Avi is pretty and very beautiful."

Compliments from a child hit differently. I pulled her cheeks softly and kissed her nose. "Thank you Bebs, I think you're the pretty little princess!"

She giggles and shake her head. "Ya! Im a pretty princess!"

"I know that's right!"

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I nervously took a sip of my coffee.

"Oh you guys are eating breakfast? That's nice!" Owen and a sleepy bed head Cassius walks into the kitchen.

I finish my coffee and put the empty dish into the sink. "And where are you off to?" Owen pulled me back.

"Uhm the Garden?" He chuckled and kisses me . "Only teasin' Angel go ahead." Cassius pouts and points at his lips and I roll my eyes. I peck him on the lips and then run out of the kitchen to the garden.

I smile at the flowers and tell them how my morning is going. I tell them how I would like to go on a picnic and how my hair has grew about two inches.

"I love seeing you talk to the plants." I jump holding my chest and look at my side to see Malachai holding a cigarette between his fingers.

He takes a puff before letting it out against the ashy tray.

"So are you going to tell me the flowers names? Or is that a secret?" I shook my head at his silliness. "If you can keep up Mr Aslan."

He comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my stomach laying his chin against my shoulder. "I think I can keep up." He whispered in my ear making my body shudder.

"You always leave the bed early in the morning, what are you doing so early? I can tell you're tired."

I licked my dry lips an sighed. "I'm having nightmares."

Malachai turned me around, he was frowning. "What nightmares? Why didn't you tell Dr Pen about your nightmares, baby?" I ruffled my hair and shrugged.

"She's annoying."


I scoff and cross my arms. "She asks me the most stupidest questions and then wonder why im in the chair looking so fucking uncomfortable."

Malachai sits us down on the bench that lays perfectly between the garden and he corrects me.

"If you're feeling something being asked these questions then don't you feel like you need help?"

I take in what he says and sigh.  "But its so hard, why can't I be fixed quickly like right now? It feels like the pills are deleting whats apart of me."

Malchai wraps his arms around my shoulders and I lean on his. "I don't know that much about medicine but I believe it's working because if mental pain is whats apart of you then.."

"Then it's not me?"

"Yes, thank you I lost my words for a second." He throws his head back as he chuckles.

I take in his appearance, he has beautiful dark eyes and his eyebrows are arched naturally, his whole face is symmetrical with his emotions but you never know what he actually feels until its on his face.

"How are you feeling Malachai?" The question makes him lift his head back up and look to the side, at me.

"I haven't been asked that since I debuted in my acting career, well I have from Owen and Cassius but it coming from you is a bit different.."

I wait for his answer and he leans on me and lets out a breath. "It's a bit stressful, work, managing a company and being an actor"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.."I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. He kissed me on the cheek and took his hands in mines.

"Thank you sweet one."

How i fr be seeing Cassius

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How i fr be seeing Cassius

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