17: is it kidnapping if im home?

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Averils pov
Dane wouldn't let me go. I've told him over five times that I wanted to break off this engagement thing and just break up with him be her refused to listen to me by buying me flowers, taking me to dinner.. even shopping.

He mentioned the mating process but thats when I stopped asking him. He knew I was afriad of having sex.

So now that Im sitting down forcefully in his arms as we watched whatever, I'm thinking about the best way to get out of this.

I've been babysitting Bailey but I have been avoiding her fathers, all three of them. Because.. Dane.. he's crazy.

I groaned in frustration. Dane narrowed his eyes at me.

"Whats wrong Averil?" He tried to kiss me but I moved my face and pushed his arms off of me.

"Dane.. look we're both cheating on each other let's just end it! You like that girl and I just wanna break up." I stood up but he pulled me back down and pushed me to the floor.

I wanted to mention my like for the vampires across the street but I decided against it.

I bit on my lip in pain.

A low growl echoed the room.

Fear filled my chest and I struggled to get back on my feet so I could run away from him.

I made it to the front door before I was yank backwards and dragged back into the living room.

His hands wrapped around my neck and I was pinned to the wall.

I frantically kicked him trying to get him off of me but he let go himself and backed up.

Breathing became complicated.

"You're such a fucking complicated omega! You think if we break up those fucking bloodsuckers across the street would want you? All I have to do is tell them how you are a horrible fuck, damaged goods." He whispered shouted in my face.

I never even had sex I want to spit in his face just like he does in mine.

Something grew inside of me and I just couldn't take it anymore. I punched him in the face making him fall on his back and I continued my blows across his body.

Blood splattered from his mouth and he turned us around and punched me in the middle of my face.

After that all I saw was black.

"Well I'm sorry he's not feeling well, yea I'll tell him that .. bye."

I felt a cold sensation on my head and opened my eyes. Dane was hovering over me with a cloth it seemed to have blood on it.

He had my phone in his hands and he shoved it in his pocket. My eyes widen at that but my body felt too numb to move.

"Oh look at you, so pretty.. don't worry I won't hit you." He smiled down at me.

My throat felt extremely dry. I just wanted to spit in his face.

The memories of him hitting me with a metal bat all over my body came back to me and I broke into soft cries.

He cooed at me with the most sinister smile.

"That's what happens when you're a bad boy." He whispers and Kisses my forehead. I go to scream but he holds his hand out as if he's warning me. "Scream and I'll slap you."

I stay quiet and drown in my tears.

"You've been out for a good two days, I suppose this bat is seriously strong." He caresses the piece of metal softly and glares at me.

"Anyways I have to work! Take care." He taps my face softly and leaves the bedroom.

I want them, I need them.

Cassius's pov.
"That fucker is lying." I hissed as I looked outside the window across the street at the small house.

Owen rolled his eyes and flipped the pancake. "Babe, if he's sick he's sick. We can still text him." My heart did a little happy dance and I snatched Owen's phone from him.

"Hey give it ba-?!" Owen was interrupted and so was I! Because Malachai took it from me. I click my teeth and sit down.

"I'll text him." Me and Owen looked at each other and rolled our eyes.

I peeked behind his back watching him type.

Hey Averil, how are you? Can you come over..?

No I will not. Leave me alome.

I scoffed and snatched the phone from Malachai.

"Don't send anything. When Averil text he doesn't use capital letters..not with us anyways" Malachai sighed.

Well he's obviously using them now. Is what I wanted to add in but I decided against it.

"Let's just see how long this goes on.. then we'll be able to see if it's really Dane." Owen slid a plate full of pancakes towards me.

"Thank you baby."

Averil's pov.
I looked around the room boredly. My whole body ached and it felt like I wouldn't be able to walk, It felt like I was drugged.

Ive been in here for I don't know know how long and I need to get out, I need to get help. This is the end. If I don't get help right now he's going to end up killing me.

I shut my eyes tightly and rolled back and forth until I rolled off of the bed. I hit the floor with a hard thump, I kept in a painful holler.

I use my hands to drag me into the bathroom. I need to puke this medicine up. I shoved my fingers down my throat and purged all of it out, it came out as clear liquid.

I cant believe he tried to drug me.

I heard a car starting up and with my best ability I crawled to the window. It was too quiet.

My eyes widened at the footsteps that made their way towards the bedroom door.

My heart started beating at a painfully fast rate. The door opened revealing Dane. He had a bag in his hands. It seemed to be a pharmacy bag.

He looked down at me on the floor, too calmly for my liking. He didn't move he just stared at me long and hard before a smile appeared on his face.

My face morphed into horror and I got on to my knees. "P-please hit me! I don't wanna go to the closet! Please hit me instead p-please!" I scratched at the floor as sweat dripped down my back.

"I think you like the closet, Averil." He grabbed my arm and dragged me down the same hall.

I fought as hard as I could but I still ended up in the closet.

I miss Malachai, Owen and Cassius.

Im going on a hiatus, I don't know when I'll be back but I'm handling stuff!

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