20: Reassureance is key

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Averil's pov
I was at Kim's house today, she thought it would be nice to hangout and watch shows, she was updated on everything that happened by Malachai. Which I was so very much grateful for.

"Yes, fuck yes! She better get revenge for her father!" Kim threw popcorn at the tv and I raised my eyebrows are her like, really?

She looks at me and scoffs. "I know you want her to get revenge too! Cause Yoon Ji-woo gone turn into a strong bitch." I rolled my eyes.

"Well you're going to interrupt Kinidy and Baileys playdate if you keep it up!" I say.

She waved her hands and continued to look at the tv.

I take a sip from my glass and frown once I realized all of the wine is gone. I clear my throat and bump shoulder with Kimberly.

"Hey do you have anything stronger? It will go well with the popcorn if you do!" I smirked. Her eyes widened and she jumped in circles. "Yes! Yes! I'll get the shot glasses"

"Yes, let's have fucking fun!" I shout out and change the tv show to Love Island. Kim came back with bottles in her hand and I let out a little noise of celebration.

She pours us shots and before you know it were taking shots back to back while complaining about our least favorite person in the show.

Still not drunk I look at Kimberly at my side and she's literally struggling to stay awake. "Mmnyknow? I wandded to gdto cakyo?"
(yknow I wanted to go to tokyo?)

I laugh at he drunken state and drag her to her bedroom. I set hangover medicine on her night stand with a bottle of water and then I clean up our mess in the entertainment area.

After I'm finishing cleaning I go in Kinidy's room to see Kinidy knocked out sleeping And Bailey sitting beside her quietly. I tuck Kinidy in bed and pick up Bailey, balancing on my side.

She wraps her arms around my neck. "Are we going home now papa?" She asks yawning. The name makes my heart drop yet it makes me feel warm inside. "Y-yes we are Bailey."

"Finally, m' hungry!" She sighs.
She lists all the foods she wants to eat until we make it back home.

I go to knock on the door but it opens with Cassius looking extremely worried.

"Averil, you said you wouldn't be there for a long time, and you weren't answering your calls." Cassius embraces me and Bailey.

"I was okay, I promise you nothing bad happened." I whisper in his ear.

"I'm so glad you're back home oh my goodness."

I place Bailey down and she hugs Cassius leg. "I missed you too Daddy! But me and Kinidy had so much fun!"

He kneels down to her height and beams fully all of his teeth showed. "Is that right? Did you guys have an amazing tea party?!" She shook her head and dragged Cassius away to tell him all about it.

I giggle at that and closed the front door.

"I like seeing you all happy like that." Malachai leans against the wall. I roll my eyes at him. "Well you're always at work so you never see me in my real habitat, Im naturally happy yknow?"

His eyes focus on me as I go to walk upstairs. "You've been drinking? Averil." I turn around nervously. "It was only two glasses, I promise it won't happen again!"

"Okay then.. have you eaten dinner at Kims?" I nodded even though I didn't eat I wasn't in the mood to.

I go to walk upstairs but I'm pulled back and attacked with a kiss from the alpha. I kissed back pulling him even closer to me, he bit my lip making me gasp and took the opportunity to slide his tongue in.

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