07: Wait where were we?

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Slight violence

Averil's pov.
"Cmon now you know at least one of them men are fine." Kimberly was still talking about Bailey's dads.

Its been four hours and we've finished the clothes, went out for lunch and now we were going back home and she was still talking about them?!

"Okay yes! They are extremely fine and fucking amazing I could see myself with them if I wasn't with Dane!" I slipped.

I cursed under my breathe and looked back at Bailey. She was sleep. I let out a breath of relief and looked to the side at Kim. She looked like she was going to burst into bubbles.

"I knew it! I knew it!" She made her way into the drive way of my house. "I have to just drop Bailey back off home, just put the laundry in the house." I gave Kim my house key.

"Yeah go talk to your future men." She winked at me. I let out annoyed breath and got out of the car making sure to put Bailey toys and uneaten snacks back in her bag. I unbuckled her and picked her up.

She snuggled against me, resting her head at the crook of my neck. I tried my best to fight baby fever but it swallowed me whole. I carried Bailey like she was my daughter as I made my way across the street.

I knocked on the door softly then ringed the door bell, I didn't want to wake up Bailey.

It was Malachai, he had messy hair and he was shirtless.. my face immediately heated up. I looked down at my vans and handed him Bailey and her bag.

"Uhm Hi Malachai.. Im just dropping Baily off.." I swallowed fumbling over my words. He lifted my chin up and smiled at me. "Im sorry dear, im not on the ground, I'd like it if you'd look up at me and talk, can you do that sweet?"

I felt my words get caught in my throat, my eyes widened and before I knew it was pulled inside of his house. He placed Bailey down allowing her to walk around and do whatever.

"You shouldn't stand outside, it's so hot out there already, have you had any water today?" He placed his hand on my forehead before leading me to the kitchen.

"Uhm yea.. I took Bailey to get lunch and we went to a park.." I smiled remembering how I gave her a piggy back ride I was her 'magical unicorn.'

Malachai hummed and handed me a cup full of ice cold water. "Owen should be here soon, however Cassius is resting.." my ears perk up at the name and my eyes trail down to his collarbone. I couldn't help but admire the mating marks all across his neck.

They just finished having sex.. no wonder I smelled those scents.

I look down at the thought.

He chuckled. "I suppose I should've put a shirt on, but whatever."

I laughed nervously and gripped the cup tightly. It took everything in me not to look at his body.

"So how was Bailey? Did she behave?" He raised his eyebrows staring at me heavily just waiting for an answer.

"Uhm yea! She was amazing! She makes me want to have a pup, honestly she's amazingly adorable in every way and I just, shes so.. yea!"

"Mm, well is it possible for you to watch her again tomorrow? I mean if you'd like that."

The front door opened before I could answer. It was Owen, I could tell by his sweet maple scent. "Oh hi honey! I see that you are back, wheres Bay?"

Malachai answered for me and gave Owen a long kiss, it was basically a make out session. I could see the way their tongues swirled against each others, the saliva that spilled as they kiss, The way Malachai hands traveled to Owens ass giving it a tight squeezed.

I bit my lips and closed my legs twisting them any kind of way trying to find some type of way to hide my growing problem as I looked at them, I was getting turned on.

Oh to experience a kiss like that...

I didn't realized that they were staring at me the whole time until they pulled from the kiss. my heart rate sped up and I looked down at the counter tops too embarrassed.

You're literally a pervert Averil!
Shut up self! We're literally touched starved.
Womp womp!
Shut up!
No you!

"Are you okay Averil?" Owen rubbed the right side of my waist. Malachai stood at my left and like that I sprung up.

"Uhm sorry guys I realized I had to do something seriously important at my house and goodness im late! I looked at my watch and dashed out of the kitchen, I passed Cassius he tried to say something to me but I ran straight out the door and into my drive way.

I slowed down to catch my breath. Kimbely just closed her trunk and got finished coming out of the house.

"I did what you asked and I watered the garden cause it looked kind o— are you okay?" She looked at me like I was crazy.

The answer was no I'm not okay !

"Girl, I need to tell you what happened."
I jumped with a glass plate in my hand, Dane scared the hell out of me! My heart dropped at the tone of his voice.

Today was a good day and I wasn't trying to face his wrath. I breathed in a shaky breath and took my gloves off.

He walked into the kitchen and he smiled at me. "I see you did the laundry." I nodded looking down at the floor. I could tell he wasn't satisfied with my answer.

"What's wrong Ril?" He called me by the old nickname he use to call me when we were just college kids.

"I'm just a bit tired." I lied, I didn't want to mention anything about me being scared he was going to hit me.

He snarled.

I closed my eyes and shrunk into submission.

He walked towards me and grabbed my bruised arm roughly, I winced narrowing my eyes not daring to stare at him in the eyes.

"Tell me the truth." He squeezed my arm even tighter making me holler out.

"I was scared you were going to h-hit me.." I whispered in pain.

His eyes softened and he pulled me into a hug. He kissed my head full of hair and sighed. "I do it because I love you baby.." he caressed my face.

"It doesn't feel like love.." I mumbled.

I made another mistake;expressing how I felt.


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There might be times I forget to add a content warning of any kind so please read at your own risk!

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