28: a dream?!

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slight maturity

Averils pov
"And you want to make this for Kinidy cause its her fifth birthday?" I asked watching Bailey struggle to cut a paper heart.

"Mnn yes." She stuck her tongue out furrowing her eyebrows as she handled the scissors. I chuckled and took them from her with the paper, I helped her cut out a few paper hearts and after I watched her make a birthday card.

"So what are you guys going to do for her birthday?" I tilted my head slightly giving the little one all of my attention.

"Were goin to the park, then were going to eattt and were going to movies." I grinned at that.

"Are kids from you schools gonna be there?" She shook her head and stopped sprinkling glitter on the card. "Kids from school bully Kinidy, she hasn't grown in her elf ears so she get bullied a lot."

"What the f-, heck.. uhm does Kim know?"

"Yea! I beat them up so its kay." She shrugged and continued to decorate the card. My jaw dropped and I closed it once I heard a fly flying my way.

"Violence isn't good sweethear-"

"Daddy said its okay.. I beat them up really good papa.. so its kay." She smiled up at me and I looked into her dark eyes trying to figure out who told her it was okay to be beating kids asses like this.

"I'll be back sweety keep decorating." I stood up and patted her head.

I marched into the living room where three of my mates were chilling and stood in front of the tv with my hands on my hips.

"I like the sass, makes you look fuckab-" I threw the tv remote at Cassius head and Malachai and Owen gasped when it hit him straight in the middle of his head.

He hissed and rubbed his forehead with a little pout.

"Which one of you told it was okay if Bailey fought?"

They looked at each other like pigeons and Malachai and Owen pointed at Cassius.

I pursed my lips and marched towards and pinched his ear dragging him all the way to Bailey's room.

I ignored his hollers cause I know it didn't hurt at all he could literally slammed me on the floor if he wanted.

The other two followed us giggling in the back like little kids.

Cassius fell to his knees and looked up at me with a smirk. I kicked his behind softly and Bailey turned around looking all confused.

"Don't fight, okay? What I said was just in the moment.. even though those fuckers deserved it Violence is not okay." Cassius ruffled Bailey's head and looked up at me.


"Aht aht, No violence." Owen shook his finger and kissed my cheek.

Of course Owen was on my side, I smiled at that and sighed happily.

After that we made it back to the living room but Cassius stopped me in the hallway mid way and pinned me across the wall.

"I want to push you around like that too, it's not fair if you only do it to me.. just wait.. I'll make your insides need me."

I could feel my eyes dilating at that and I brought my arms around his neck.

"You wish you could get inside me, huh?" I teased him back. He groaned holding me even tighter.


A sweet scent invaded my nostrils and I limped against Cassius.

He let me go and held me against his body.

Owen snatched me from him and dragged me to the room they used for heats and ruts. He locked it and tied his hair up.

"I didn't expect to go into heat so fucking early." He growled pacing back and forth. I was speechless mainly because I didn't expect my body have such a strong reaction to him.

"Fuck, I didn't mean to drag you in here.. I just I've never had sex with you so it felt like outside you were so vulnerable and your scent you didn't smell like us.." He was still pasting around trying to find his words.

I see that his heat was pretty manageable, probably because he had mates for most of them.

I looked up at him rubbing my arm awkwardly. "It's fine.. don't beat yourself up about it.. what.. what can I do..?" I looked down at my feet, blushing.

He looked at me pretty shocked and his scent came out even stronger. I swallowed hard.

He ran across the room and dug in a box. I felt something warm forming in my stomach, then the warmth turned into full blasting heat and spreader across my whole body.

My lower back ached and head felt like it was going to explode. I let out a low whimpers and plopped down on the bed in pain.

I curled up and the low whimpers turned into full blown hollers.

The room door bursted open Malachai and Cassius came running in.

"Are you okay?"


The pain stopped and I leaned up.

I felt something furry against my back and I screamed and jumped off of the bed.

It was a tail.. 

Suddenly im thrown onto the bed and all three of them are naked

"You must've shifted half way..?"

"You're really a puppy now? Id like to see you all fucked out."

I scream again and my eyes are open and its the middle of the night. I tap the top of my head looking for ears and at my lower back for a tail and I let out a breath of relief.

All of that was a dream?

"What the fuck oh what the fuck." I hold my hand to my chest whispering softly.

"Hey, are you okay? You scared me.." Owen snuggled on top of me whispering by my ear.

Malachai and Cassius soft snores echoed through the room.

Thank goodness fuck.. i thought i turned into some type of furry.

"When do you go into heat Owen.. it's been a while.."

"Oh.. uhm probably in a week.. what about you?" I bit my lip at the question.

They didn't know that I was still taking suppressants so my heat probably would come if I stopped taking them.

"Uhm not sure."

"It's crazy, you haven't had heats since that warm heat, we'll go to the doctor tomorrow, I'll take you since im free." He kissed the back of my ear and pulled me into him.

What was I going to do?


Me because I got a whole contract offer abt my books with money mentioned by someone random in my dms BUT their terms don't allow me to freely upload more than five chapters on any platform..

Me because I got a whole contract offer abt my books with money mentioned by someone random in my dms BUT their terms don't allow me to freely upload more than five chapters on any platform

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(it's definitely a scam and I write bcs i love it not to be paid.. )

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