26: Selfishly painted.

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Cassius pov
What the hell just happened? He just ran away from us and left.. is it that easy for him to just up and leave?

"I know you're having troubling thoughts, love." I look to my left to see Malachai making his way towards me.

"Do you think he's safe?" I sigh wrapping my hands with boxing tape. "He's at Kim's, she texted me." He helped me tape up my hands for my match.

Owen came in with Bailey on his hip. "Don't stress and lose that match, okay? Cause you're going to be beating yourself up about it all day long if you do." Owen intertwined his fingers with mine.

My mates were lovely men, they knew when I was bothered. I didn't like that Averil just left in tears like that, I didn't like that he just left without being comforted.

Just knowing he was somewhere crying it made me feel angry.

"Don't kill the person you're going against either, I know how you get, Cass." Malachai kissed the back of my neck and cupped my face in his hands.

Bailey was let down and she hugged my leg. "You got this daddy." She smiled gripping her book bag.

Owen kissed me on the lips and took Bailey outside so she could catch her bus.

"Chai.. he's alone.." I ran my hands through my hair stressfully. Malachai finished wrapping up my hands and pulled me into him.

"He's strong, its okay love."

Averil's pov
I panted holding down to my knees trying to catch my breath. Me and Kinidy were dancing to the little mermaid theme songs for like the tenth time.

"Again Averil!" She jumped up clapping her hands. I fell to the floor sticking my tongue out rather dramatically. What the hell she mean again? Im about to pass out.

"Averil you're hogging my child because you miss Bailey." Kim came out with dinner in her hands.

Kinidy gasped and ran to the dining table.

I got up and scoffed. "I just want to spend time with my niece!" Kim rolled her eyes setting the table.

"Come eat dinner you've been here for two days and all you have eaten was junk food and I feel bad for even letting you treat your body like that."

I rolled my eyes and made my way to the table. Kim knew how to go into mom mode on me. Im a grown adult!

"So, when are you going back home?"She stabbed into her chicken breast taking a slow bite out of it.

"Hmm I don't know! Maybe when you stop bothering me about going back to them!" I smiled back picking up a piece of broccoli and popping it into my mouth.

We ate in tense silence. Kinidy hurried up and finished her food and went to go play with her toys.

"Averil, I know you're scared of upsetting them."

I hate that she's right.

"You're always in your mind, and the way you cope is horrible.. if I knew that they didn't know you were going with me I honestly would've gone by myself."

I stop chewing on my food and look at her. I hate serious conversations, I hate being seen as weak but when you're reassured it feels so good then you feel guilty.

"Kim I'm fine, it was just the liquor talking! I'm not that childish." I waved my hands and cut into the vegetables.

She huffed. "Don't call yourself that! You always say that when you express how you feel. Your feelings isn't childish! You don't know what childish is." She stood up taking hers and  Kinidy's plates.

I gripped the silverware tightly. "You don't get to be in my business, Kim! It's not fucking fair!" I followed her into the kitchen.

She turned around, she looked mad. Great! Because I am upset too!

"What's not fucking fair is that I can't even help you because you think you're just in a phase! You literally don't give a fuck about yourself! It's not fair that I can't care for my fucking best friend because he keeps pushing me away!"

Tears ran down her face and my words that gathered up on the tip of my tongue were now loss.

"Kim, I- kim.." I reached for her but she pushed my arm away softly.

"Averil, I don't know what to say anymore I don't want to lose you, I already lost Kinidy's dad and losing you just fucking adds to it."

I didn't know what to do, I always knew what to do when she was upset, but now she was upset at me.  I keep hurting the people around me, I really am a horrible person.

"Averil, just lets calm down I just needed to get that off my chest, lets— lets watch a movie, yeah? Lets just calm down."

"Im sorry Kimberly, I meant it I'm so selfish at times I'm sorry for not thinking about how you felt." I balled my bottom lips up trying my best not to cry with her.

She hugged me and then I cracked, there's nothing like platonic physical affection when you're feeling the worse.

Owen's pov
"Im really fucking worried." I fiddled with my fingers as I looked at Malachai, he was in his office typing away doing business work.

"I-i cant take any art commissions if he isn't here Malachai and I can't its.." Malachai stopped typing and sighed.

"Owen, come here sweetie." He held his arms for me to climb into his lap but I was covered in paint so I decided against it.

"Malachai, you don't understand he's been here for a good two months, we have heats every month right, cause were omega. Why haven't he been getting his heat? and-and what if he gets his heat and were not there! He's going to be so scared."

Malachai face morphed into horror and he stood up.

"I'll bring Bailey over for a play date, its only five.. I'm sure Kimberly won't mind."

"Let me co-!"

"No, I feel like If there's many people he's going to flip out."

I pouted but agreed anyways.
Me omw to start picking out new ppl for a book idea I have in mind. (mc is a gworl 😝)
(Im indecisive so the book idea may not stick.)

(Publishing this now cause i might not be able to this weekend coming up🥰)

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(Publishing this now cause i might not be able to this weekend coming up🥰)

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