32: Danger?? Danger. Wheres the logic?

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Cassius pov.
I woke up to Averil's strong as hell grip around my waist. He begged to be big spoon now I'm stuck in his iron grip, the little wolf takes his sleeping strength for granted..

I look down at his arms that are wrapped around me and I take his hands in mine. His skin was probably one of my many favorite things about him. It was always soft and always smelled great.

His complexion is rich and golden, I loved that about him the most.. well theres a lot of things I love about him, I guess I do fall in love too easily..

I looked at his arms and I'm mad.. for him, the shit he went through with that Dane fucker, I wish I did more to him then just letting Malachai's Coven deal with the little shit.

The scars that stayed printed on my beautiful mate's skin felt like a stab to my heart. I could've protected him before it got worse, but I didn't.

I'm so fucking useless sometimes.

"Cass.." Averil groaned.

I turned over in a hurry to check up on him. He was okay.. thank goodness.

He smiled at me, my heart sped up a bit. I took that as a cue to scoop him in my arms and give him the biggest hug ever.

"Thank you Cass." He mumbled.

My eyebrows furrowed and I pulled back from the hug, cupping his face gently.

"Thank you for putting up with me." He sighed softly.

"Thank you for putting up with me." I mumbled back allowing our noses to touch each others.

I wasn't great with emotions, it was hard for me to figure out how someone was feeling or how to comfort someone.. I knew something was bothering him.

"I think we should go for a walk, to clear our minds." I say awkwardly.

He giggled and pecked me on the lips. "Okay big guy, lets go on a walk, yeah?!"

"After the both of you eat breakfast of course." Malachai walks in with a red face Owen attached to his side.

Had they been fucking in the kitchen? Cliche.

Averils pov.
I munched on breakfast like a little bunny rabbit. I was so hungry.. it was so bad.. I ate quickly scarfing down the pancakes Owen and Malachai made.

"Slow down before you choke, santa mierda" Malachai chuckles.

The language change catches me off guard but I keep forgetting that he's from Spain..

"So hows work going Malachai?" Owen asked as he snuck me a piece of his bacon.

Cassius loves bacon can't let him catch us.

"Well.. I just finished up an ad for Cartier, it was probably the most easiest ad I've done.. the problem is its theme."

I stopped eating and looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"What about the theme?"

Cassius eyes glow red and he take a sip out of his blood pouch. "Yea what about it Mal."

How dare someone get close to him? Ill kill her.


"A woman had to be a little to close to me, well the theme was love but—"

"I say we kill her, guts splattered out and all." I stab the scrambled eggs on my plate.

Everyone looked at me with widened eyes. "Sweetheart your claws are out." Owen hands go through my curls smoothly.

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