10: Owchies

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Averil's pov.
Me and Bailey were dancing to her favorite song. Yes I was dancing with a five year old, what about it?

"Avi! Avi! Watch me!" She jumped up until I looked at her and then she did the silliest ballerina twirl ever. I copied her and once I was done she immediately broke out into whimpers.

I went into full omega mode and grabbed her placing her in my lap. She bursted into tears. My heart sped up and i was beginning to panic at the poor baby crying her eyes out.

"What's wrong Bailey? Are you hurting anywhere?!" I frantically looked all over for any cut or bruise on her.

She poked my stomach and sniffled "you have an owchie." My heart dropped and I chuckled nervously. "I'm okay Bailey!" I tickled her sides but she did not laugh she only clung to me.

I sighed and pulled my shirt up, revealing the bandages wrapped all over my waist and abdomen.

"Wha' happen?" She pouted softly touching the bandaids. "The big bad wolf got Avi!" I joked. She gasped and jumped out of my lap before grabbing her plastic sword. "I'll protect you!" She swayed her sword as if she was hitting something.

I took a picture of her on my phone, she posed sassily. I learned that she absolutely loved pictures.

I pulled her close to me. "You can't tell your daddies about my owchies okay?" I whispered. She tilted her head. "Why?"

"Because they will worry!" She shook her head agreeing to stay quiet and hugged me.

Footsteps made their way towards the room, I ignored them of course and pulled out a book for Bailey. She settled on my lap and laid her head against my chest.

"Were gonna read this book okay?" She clapped her hands softly. I felt someone looking at us from the door and I looked up to see Cassius.

My heart sped up and the sight of him he was shirtless again and the sweatpants he had on sticked perfectly to his thighs, its like everything in me heated up. "Do you mind if I join you guys?" He looked down at me waiting for an answer. My words absolutely evaporated in the air.

He chuckled and came in the room, grabbing the book from me he pulled me into his lap and Bailey to his side.

"Cassius— I- I don't think we should." His eyebrow quirked up and soft snores cut what he was about to say off.

"Let me take her to her bedroom really quickly." He picked Bailey up and dashed out. Sometimes I wished I had vampire speed..

Just as quick as he left he was back, he placed me in his lap again. I didn't know what to do, I've actually never been in this situation before, Dane has never touched me for long or anything...

"What are we doing that is wrong, lamb?." The nickname makes my body heat up even more.

"I-Im engaged, we can't.. this isn't right." His hands trailed down my back and he turned me around until I was in a straddling position.

It feels right.

"I like pissing off men who thinks it's okay to hurt precious people like you." Cassius growled sniffing at my skin.

"He's not hurting me.. he wouldn't dare." I spoke with a shaky voice. It took everything in me not to just scent him on the spot.. it felt like I was going to go crazy if I didn't smell me on him.

"Mentally, he is.. and if I found out physically im going to fucking kill him." I broke and turning around I immediately start rubbing my neck against his, it would be better in my wolf form because my scent would linger around longer.

Cassius was smiling, but what was there to smile about? This was a serious process!! He had to smell like me, all of them.

His hands trailed down my ass massaging it softly.

I growled and nipped at his skin before rubbing our skin together more roughly. "Woah woah now Averil, it's okay pup.. take your time.. there's nothing to get upset over." He patted my head softly.

I need to shift.

Dont you dare.

His hands slipped under my shirt and I freeze, stopping what I was doing and dashed off of his lap. His eyes glowed red and he stood up slowly.

"Lift your shirt up NOW" I didn't know if I should run or do what he said.. I ran out of Baileys play room. Their house was so big so I absolutely just ran wherever until I bumped into Owen.

"Woah, Honey! Why are you running?" He grabs my arm but I see Cassius coming right behind me and that tells me immediately to shift.

I do so, not caring how badly my clothes rip from the immediate shift. My paws slide across the slippery marble floor.

"Wait stop Cassius you're scaring him!" Owen pushed the vampire back before walking slowly to me.

My ears go back at the yelling and I slowly back away from Owen.

"He's hurt! You can literally smell it off of him if you get close!" Cassius pulled at his hair sniffing the air panicking.

His panicking made me panic and I took off the opposite direction only getting caught by Malachai who easily lifts my wolf up.

He sits down on the couch still holding me as I holler out in distress trying my best to get away from him. "Shhh, shhh.. it's okay sweet thing, oh your coat is absolutely so beautiful, such a beautiful wolf you are." Malachai rubbed at my fur softly.

His soft talking calmed me down and I settled against his body.  "Good, you're so good, its okay.." he whispered rubbing my nose. I leaned in his touch and licked his hands.

Cassius eyes never left me, Owen calmed him down and eventually everything was good.

Cassius stroked my backside and Owen rubbed my head. "Can you shift back ,lovely?" Malachai asked so softly.

Owen jumped up. "Ill get him a shirt!"

Cassius laid his head down against my fur, "I'm sorry pup, I just panicked, I didn't mean to scare you" Malachai grinned and kissed Cassius on the cheek.

Owen came back with a oversized shirt. I barked out a thanks and grabbed the shirt with my mouth before hopping off of Malachai's lap.

"The guest bathroom is just around the corner!"

I trotted to the restroom and nudged the door open with my head, I shifted back to my human form and looked at the bandages making sure none of them ripped. I grabbed the oversized button up shirt and slipped it on.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I smiled twirling. I smelled the shirt and almost hollered out in joy.

It smelled like all three of them.. I will be stealing this shirt.


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I need new kdramas to watch.

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