16: Okay, okay! I'm all talk

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Averil's pov.
I lied when I said I wasn't shy around them because as of right now im squirming under their gaze..

They were sitting in front of me just waiting for me to talk.

I couldn't even go to the bathroom alone to shower without one of them being afraid of me running away again.. it was something. But strange enough I liked it?

"Are you ready to talk yet angel?" I rolled my eyes. Why did I have to talk?! I apologized for slapping Cassius.. why are they all in my business.

"Okay I didn't mean to run away I was just fucking freaked out okay?! Since you want to know every fucking thing." I crossed my arms and looked at my feet.

"Don't try to push us away with that attitude Averil." Malachai sighed.

I saw his shadow stand up and he sat by me.. his hands rubbed my back and that made me shrink even more in the couch.

He saw right through me.

"Why were you freaked out?" Cassius pulled my chin up so I could look at him, but of course I narrowed my eyes. He made me nervous.

"I-i don't know."

One hissed making me flinch.

"Calm down Owen, you're scaring him." I scoffed at that.

"Now he's not." I lied, my voice was shaky .. when did my voice get so shaky? "I understand you don't want to tell us, but don't lie to us baby." Malachai pulled me into his lap.

Why did their affection always make me so weak? Why did I cry every single time they gave me just a handful of physical touch. "It's okay pup, you're struggling with your words .. we're going to help you." Cassius kissed my cheek.

My lips were wobbling, I just knew if I were to open my mouth I was going to break out into a full sob.

"I'm sorry for scaring you angel but, I just hate when you close yourself down and keep it inside of you, just for you to cry later." Owen sighed rubbing our necks together.

Their soft touches did it and I broke out into heavy wrenching cries. And like always they were with me through the whole fit until it was just me letting out soft sniffles.

"See it's okay, it's gonna be alright." Owen whispered into my ear while massaging my scalp.

Cassius caressed my face. "You're such a good boy, letting us see you so vulnerable.. you're— youre so-"

"Strong." Malachai says as he rubbed my thighs.

I decided that I was comfortable to tell them why I ran.

"I ran because I was scared of myself."

I fiddled with my fingers and got to point because I could tell that they were confused.

I never had the best childhood, I learned how to do things by myself. Mostly cook and clean I had little knowledge about my sub gender and when it was time for heats my parents always gave me suppressants. I guess what im trying to say is that I basically raised myself because I had working parents . They always worked hard just so I could have what other kids didn't have, materialistic? Yes. but they only did it cause they thought it made me happy.

We were in a pack at the time and my parents weren't the most popular couple because male omegas weren't as popular as the other female omegas at the time. My Father was a Omega. So my parents thought it was a good idea for them to work in the city and I stay in the forest with our pack. They'd visit every weekend to drop off necessities for me and we would hangout for one day.

After this going on for years I've became accustomed to this schedule and id always be excited to hangout with them on the weekend. But one weekend we didn't hangout because that was the day I found out my mom had cancer and I thought since she would be there at home with me we could spend time with each other all the time.

I pushed her and pushed her to spend time with me, I wasn't aware how badly she was in pain I just thought she was there to take care of me so I wouldn't be alone all the time. Eight year old me didn't know what cancer was and I killed her.

She was too weak and she died.. it pained my father so much until he died as well from losing his mate.

I remember the night very vividly. He gave me his and my mom's ring and he fixed me lots of food and packed them in containers something similar to meal plans.

He told me he loved me and I would grow to become an awesome omega and then he left. I assume he was going back to the city but when morning came his body was found in our local lake.

I killed them both.

I thought I would be crying after I told them the story but I just felt numb. Hallow. I knew I shouldn't have been crying anyways because it was my fault but it still hurts.

I looked around because all three of them were quiet.. my eyes widened at the sight of Owen silently crying.

I looked in front of me to see Cassius rocking hugging himself while intensely staring at the floor.

"You're not going to like what I'm going to say but Im going to say it." Malachai switched me into a different position on his lap to where I could see him.

"You were neglected."

I felt my heart drop. I lost contact with him and held my chest. My parents loved me. They cared for me. They didn't mean it.

"T-they loved me." I protested weakly gripping at Malachai's shirt. He sighed and pulled me into him.

Owen sniffled and stood up joining the hug. "Yea, they probably loved you lots dear.. but you were still heavily neglected."

I looked back at Cassius, he looked angry yet full of anxiety. He was biting his fingers. Malachai peeped it and He kissed him and whispered something into his ear. Cassius then kissed my forehead and eventually joined our hug.

"I know enough to know that you were neglected, pup."

I want to get mad at them for saying that, I was to scream at them and kick them, but deep down I knee they were correct so I just relaxed in their arms for just a little bit.

My stomach growled.

We pulled back from the hug and looked at each other.

"I suppose I'd have more of that pasta." I hold my finger up.

They all burst into laughter, beautiful laughter. I join them.

I don't want this to end.


Me vibing knowing I have book ideas that are too explicit for my own good

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Me vibing knowing I have book ideas that are too explicit for my own good.

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