11: Treat me like white-tees.

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Averil's pov
I looked in the mirror for a long time, I've never felt so ugly before, I tugged the shirt down and let out a stressful breath.

It landed beneath my knees. I turned to the side and tilted my head. "You look amazing in our shirt Honey!" Owen scared the hell out of me making me attempt to quickly button up top part of the shirt. He frowned and grabbed my hands.

"Why are you covering yourself, you look so beautiful." He pulled me against him, my back hitting his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist and grabbed my chin making me look into the mirror.

"You smell like us now, it's only fair right?" He whispered in my ear. I watched his hands trail down to my thighs. I suck in a breath struggling not to just beg him to touch me.

You're cheating on Dane..

Dane hurts me.

"Let's go to the living area." He lifted me up.

"Woah—" I certainly did underestimate his strength. However, I clung onto him wrapping my legs around him and allowed myself to rest my neck against his.

I feel Malachai's and Cassius eyes on me. Owen places me between the two and he kneels down in front of me, I feel so trapped. What if they were to find out about Dane? What he does behind closed doors?

"You look breathtaking, sweets." Malachai rubbed my scalp, I lean in his touch like expected. Owen unbuttoned my shirt, just enough so my private areas weren't showing.

I tensed up knowing now that they have a clear view of the bandages. All of their eyes turn red and Cassius pulls me into his lap and hovers over me growling, not at his mates or anyone in particular but randomly..?

They all start growling, It becomes more crowded as Malachai and Owen group up around me.

My heart quickens up again but not in panic, I extend my neck in submission and whimper out for him to bite my neck.

Cassius doesn't do what I want but he kisses my neck, Owen rubs my thighs squeezing them gently and Malachai plays in my hair.

"Who did this to you.."

I stay silent trying my best to come back to reality, It felt like my mind was somewhere else.. in a much safer and peaceful place.

"Little bear, tell us.. who did this to you.. we want to make it better and we can't if you dont tell us what's going on." Malachai whispered with care.

I wanted to tell them what I've been going through, I wanted to tell him that I'm hurting so bad and I just want them to love me and hug me and care for me. But I'm not theirs..

I feel tears force themselves out, I couldn't speak I couldn't do it I don't know what was keeping me from telling them that its Dane, I don't know why I'm so loyal to him.

I try to stop crying but I cry harder, Cassius turns me around and I cry into his shoulder as he holds me up.

"Honey! Oh no don't cry.. we won't ask again we just wanted to know what happened." Owen walks around the couch and bends down to kiss my nose.

"You're just a delicate little thing aren't you?" He smiles at me caressing my face.

It takes a good few minutes for my crying to die down, they stayed with me through the whole process not getting annoyed at all. "We would like to know what sparked that, but if you're not comfortable at all.." Malachai trails on losing his words while I try to find mine.

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