14: Like a piece of Pasta, Fragile

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Malachai's pov
I watched the omega squirm under our gaze. But what threw me off was him not being fully in heat. Or how none of us even mentioned what happened when he came here before the sun even risen.

If anything he was as calm as he could be.. other than his slick dripping everywhere.

He was straddling Owen's lap scenting the hell out of him. "Please always smell like me." He whined moving Owen's long hair to the side to get to his neck.

Cassius looked jealous.. shit was I jealous?

"Guys he's probably just super attached to me because I was the one who approached him first.." Cassius rolled his eyes. "Well you could at least share Owen..I know you enjoy all the attention from him."

"We should be fucking him.." Cassius complains. "Why are we just allowing him to hurt and leak all over?"

Cassius tend to get overprotective of me and Owen, there was no difference once he found out Averil was our mate.. it was actually worse.

"Calm down Cassius, he just needs us to be around him and make he feel safe." I spoke with authority making him scoff but listen anyways.

"This isn't exactly a sexual heat.. it's a warm heat, this should've happened when he was at least 15.. its when the body is preparing for reproduction, unless he has been taking suppressants since age 14 he should've been passed this stage." Owen sighs rubbing Averil's forehead

Me and Cassius look at eachother..

I couldn't help be worried for the beautiful omega in Owen's arms.

A low groan came from Averil, we all looked at each other not really sure what to do.

"Are you hurting little wolf?" I leaned in.

Averil's pov.

"Y-yes hurts alpha." I cry out. It felt like my back was about to snap.

He hisses at that and pulls me from Owen's arms.

I pull my shirt off of me in distress, it's extremely hot and sweaty and most importantly im aching everywhere, especially my stomach.

"I-it's hot." I attempt to get out of the nest to reach somewhere cool. Malachai catches me from falling off of the bed. "I'll run him a cold bath, Cassius get a heating pad for his pains." Owen goes straight into action

I cling onto the alpha begging him to just take the pain away. He doesn't though.., instead he picks me up and takes me somewhere.

I feel hands over my body and for a second I feel extremely happy until I realized im placed into the tub filled with semi cold water.

I leaned back in relief. "He shouldn't be hurting this much for a warm heat nor should he be producing slick but I guess since he's an adult.." I leaned into the head massage one of them were giving me not really caring what Owen was talking about.

Malachai got into the tub fully clothed, only missing a shirt. I crawled right into his lap. Cassius and Owen were at the side of the tub just staring at me.

"Please hold me.." I whisper to Malachai as I felt a wave of sleep over powering me. I try my best not to fall asleep but I do.

And when I wake up I'm fully clothed head to toe in the most comfortable pajama set and fluffy socks. Im being carried by Cassius I sniff his neck and start purring at his scent.

"Seems like someone is up, Good morning beautiful." He jokes patting me on the behind gently.

"Where's Bailey?" I whisper sleepily. "She's at her grand parents."

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