22: sweet like a cookie?

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Mature warning

Averil's pov
It was another morning that I had to talk to Dr Pen. I decided to do this and actually listen so she can just leave.

This time it was me and her in Malachai's office talking. She and a clipboard in her hand and I was munching on cookies I baked for Cassius and Owen.

"So, you're telling me that you didn't have the best childhood? Most of the time your childhood is most roots to problems." She wrote down something but I didn't pay it any mind.

I got beat like hell cause I had a horrible childhood? Wow

"I've been told that you have a hard time eating lately, did your old time abuser have anything to do with this?"

The question makes me stop chewing and I put the cookie down. Why would she ask me that while I'm eating? I threw the cookie on the plate and looked her dead in the eyes. She still had that small smile on her face.

"Well when I was stuck in the house with him he uh kinda made feeding me a privilege.. he said sometimes I didn't have the right to eat or he would like lock me up and starve me but.." I squirm uncomfortably in the chair completely avoiding eyesight.

She wrote something down and asked me more questions. The more questions she asked the more the safe barrier I had around me broke and I was so close to running out of the room.

"Thank you Averil, you were very cooperative today, I will have a talk with your mates and we'll talk again, maybe next week? I'll have your medicine prescribed by then." She stood up and left the room.


I was about to follow her but I stopped myself and put my ear to the door.

I heard her talking

"Yea he's.....so he may...."

What the fuck. I can't hear anything?? They must be far away.

The door opened and I straightened myself and looked up at the person who opened the door.

It was Cassius.

"Hey, how was it? I heard it was a little stressful.. do you want to go to the park?" My eyebrows raised.

"The park?"

I haven't been to the park since I was like a pup??

"Well uhm, Owen and Malachai are a bit loud so I thought you would just want to get out the house for a little..?"

My eyes widened and I shook my head. "I completely forgot Malachai was in rut! How is he?"

He licked his lips "it's going down I'm sure he's somewhat in his right mind, do you wanna go see him?"

I gasped and clutched tightly to Cassius arms. "Can I really? Can I really go see him?" He chuckled and shook his head.

"Yes, yes you can."

He lead me to the room down the dark hallway and he knocked. "Averil's here to visit! Straighten yourself out."

I smiled and flattened my clothes nervously.

The door opened Malachai and Owen's thick scents escaped the room.

"Oh, Hi honey.. how was the.. uhm thing?" Owen face was flushed and he was only in a pair of shorts that were messily buttoned up.

I looked at his chest and it looked like Malchai did a number on him.

The door opened wider and there was Malachai  standing behind Owen he was wearing little to nothing, a blanket was wrapped around his waist, his body was dripping in sweat and he was panting.

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