19: Somethings off

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Malchai's pov
I was fucking livid. I couldn't show that I was angry in front of my mates. I needed to support them and help them with what was going on with Averil.

I handled Dane like I was supposed to. I made him sell all of his furnitures and belongings, with the house. I stripped him from his family name and told my family's vampire coven to take care of him.

I knew he wouldn't make it six months and would eventually die due to the type of torture my coven does.

I didn't leave it at that. I completely erased his name from the world. He was now dead to the government.

He didn't fucking exist anymore.

He messed with the wrong person, my mate. Does he not know my family name? Or me? I'm fucking Malachai Aslan.

My secretary Lina handed me the files of his background as long with his family's. I thanked her.

"Let's see who you really are."

Averil's pov
Me and Bailey planted flowers in the soil in the backyard. She picked up a worm and placed the squiggly thing on me. I screamed and fell in the dirt.

She giggled and ran away. "Oh no you don't!" I dusted myself off and chased her. I ran as slow as possible I didn't want to actually catch her.

"Stop running Angel! Youre still hurt! Darla is going to beat your mates up if she finds out we allow you to be active!" Owen yells referring to himself, Malachai and Cassius.

I slowed down and crossed my arms. "I wasn't even running fast." He squints his eyes at me. "Come eat lunch, you too Bailey!"

I sighed and took my garden gloves off. I followed him in the kitchen and took a seat at the bar top counter.

He slid a bowl of pasta my way. I looked down at it and hummed, it smelled amazing.

I grabbed my fork and stabbed the pasta. My eyes widened at the taste. It was sweet yet salty and perfectly cheesy.

I don't know what happened but I felt agitated after a few forkfuls. It's like if I took another bite I was going to throw up. But I didn't feel full or sick?

Owen could feel my stress because he took the fork I was squeezing in my hand and scooped up some pasta with it.

"One more bite and you are done." He massaged the low of my back and held the fork to my lips.

Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't, I can't. Im going to be sick. "Its okay darling.. you've got this, my amazing mate." He whispered.

I opened my mouth and took the last bite.

Owen smiled and clapped his hands while whispering quiet praises in my ear.

"Nap time baby girl!" Cassius walked into the kitchen and kissed me on the forehead before scooping up a sleepy looking Bailey.

I was still bothered by the fact that I couldn't really eat without almost crying.. I feel like there's something mildly wrong with me.

"Hey, are you okay? Do you want to go lay down on the couch and read together like we did a few days ago?" Owen rubbed my shoulders softly.

I nodded and followed him into the living area. He grabbed the fantasy book from the coffee table and spread out on the couch with his arms open.

I was hesitant, I'm not sure why.

"Come on, I don't bite."

You're literally a vampire. Is what I wanted to say but I decided against it.

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