02: Meeting the Aslans

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Slight violence

Averil's pov
I gulped. I was towered, no I felt towered.

Okay basically what is one to do when you're in a room with three insanely beautiful men but you're engaged but the person you're engaged to is a complete hot head beer addict who wont even fuck you and denies all of your heats?

Not that I had actual heats but whatever..

Ugh, basically what I'm saying is
I'm desperate for attention and they are giving just the right amount by literally being in my presence.

"I'm sorry for the inappropriate yelling, I didn't know my mates had a guest here, Im Malachai Aslan, you know the famous actor."


Someone snorted.


"Fuck these cookies are good!" The big guy moaned hogging the box from Owen who was trying to reach and get a cookie.

I smiled in delight, finally someone other than Kim that actually eats my cookies.

I felt a hand lift my chin up, me and Malachai were making intense eye contact. "Hey sweet thing I was talking to you, I know those two are a bit distracting."

My eyes widen at the skin to skin contact.

"Yea sorry, Uhm Malachai, Im Averil." I smiled for what felt like the thousandth time.

"Do you not know who I am? Or who Cassius is..?" I looked at both of them with raised eyebrows.

"Uhm no.."

"Owen was right when he said you weren't here for autographs!" I scratched the back of my head. What was I supposed to say? The heck.

"Cassius is a famous boxer and Malachai, he's an actor and businessman.. well we all are businessmen but yea!" Owen cleared out my confusion.

Malachai snatched the box of cookies from Cassius and ran off.

Owen looked back at Cassius chasing malachai and his mouth curled into a smile.

"I was just making some tea! Ill pour you some so we can talk!"

I watched him grab the kettle off of the stove and pour two cups of tea.

I watched all of them actually, Owen had these comforting eyes, it's like you could tell him anything? Yet I've only known him for a good ten minutes..

Malachai eyes were reserved, they were calm and laid back but if shit were to happen it seemed like he would be the quickest to flip but it had to be important.

However, Cassius eyes were mysterious.. he didn't dare to introduce himself unless someone did it for him. He's someone I want to learn about.

They were all different in their own way.

The same child came running in she was holding a stuffed animal, it was a fox the sowing was very neat.

"This is Flowie the fox! Hes my best friend!" She looked up at me with her long eyelashes. I couldn't help but coo and get down on my knees to be the same height as her.

"Oh really? Do Flowie wanna say hi? " she giggled and jumped up and down clapping her hands.

"Hi Flowie! Im Averil!" I shook the soft plush fox hands, paws but hands..You get it!..

"Flowie says hi! He wunna play with you! Tea party!" She cupped my face. Oh goodness she's so adorable!

I looked up at Owen for a look of approval, he was smiling? So I took that as a chance to follow the little girl to her play room.

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