06: Laundry Day & Babysitting

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Cassius pov
Every hit felt like a fresh breath of air, the punching bag is how I release stress. I knew that Averil was our destined mate the minute I smelled him, and Owen and Malachai just ignoring it pissed me off.

Destined mates were something you couldn't control, it was like a physical and mental bond. You could of course pick your mate by having sex then biting their neck but.. Averil was our destined mate. We didn't need to have sex with him to be mated with him.

I punch the bag harder than I did the last time making the sand slip out and burst.

"Fuck, Cassius seriously control yourself.. he's engaged!" Owen spat carrying Bailey in his arms.

Bailey whined, she was trying to get out of Owens arms.

"Can't you see that that fucking mutt isn't good for him?" I shouted. Owen bared his fangs at me in anger, I knew he couldn't control his emotions ever since he had Bailey.

"Averil's coming over to help with Bailey, don't try shit." Owen warned leaving Bailey in the room with me.

"Dun' try shit!" Bailey giggled clapping her hands. I chuckled.

I scooped up my little girl and followed Owen.

"Wait wenny, what is he going to wear? I hope he wear that apron again.. he was so fucking sexy in it."

Averils pov
I looked at the bruise on my arm in the mirror attempting to hold myself back from crying. Dane ended up getting mad at the fact that I pulled him from the dinner.

He was screaming like crazy and then in a blink of an eye he just punched me in my arm. When I started crying in front of him he held me in his arms and kissed me on the face. He said he did it because he loved me..

Why does me having to want his love be painful?

Dane wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I flinched not expecting him to show so much affection.

"Good morning Averil." He smiled then made his way out of the bedroom.

I scrunched up my face and squinted my eyes. What the hell...? I looked at my watch and cursed under my breath. I completely forgot that I had to Babysit Bailey but I realized it was a laundry day.

I grabbed my mini book bag and a few needs and packed up me and Dane's dirty laundry. I placed the baskets at the front door and looked to see Kims car parked outside of the house.

She ran towards me and grabbed a basket, I grabbed the other and we put both them in the trunk.

"If we're lucky we'll get the big washing machines! I had to drop Kinidy off at school.. there was nasty school traffic!" She sighed and hopped in the car waiting me to get in.

"Uhm so you see I have to babysit Bailey..." I grimaced feeling extremely bad dropping the news on her like that.

Kim chuckled. "See I told you those hot a-"

"Oh my goodness, hello honey! Im so sorry im so late I meant to be at your house extremely earlier.. I forgot that you weren't coming over, I've got Bailey things in this bag and everything!" Owen came running to me giving me Baileys bag and a kiss on the cheek.

He placed Bailey in my Arms and looked me up and down.

My eyes widened and my body froze as I gasped, before I could say anything he cut me right off. "You look cute today Honey!, fuck—shit I got to go! Art things!" He scurried off looking at his watch.

I watched him jump in his car and pull off but not without winking at me.

Did he just kiss me?

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