21: Psychiastrist, who???

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Cassius pov
I did my everyday routine, woke up and freshened up for the morning, worked out in my personalized gym and trained myself for a match. I got Bailey up for her spring break camp, the child vamp community.

She decided she wanted to go this time because Kinidy was going to the elf camp and the vampires and the elves were going to be sharing the same campsite. 

So I packed her clothes and allowed her to pack a few toys. Kinidy's mom, Kimberly picked her up, I thanked her of course.

I watched the car drive off and then I made my way into the spare room that we used for our ruts and Owen's and now Averils heats. I opened the door to see Malachai slamming into Owen.

Both of them were flushed red with sweat dripping down their body, Owen clawed at the pillows as slick spurted out of him every time Malachai pulled out to thrust back into him.

Obviously used to what was going on I got undressed and joined both of them.

Averil's pov
I woke up to an empty bed which was unusual but whatever, the more room is mine (where the fuck are they and how dare they leave me in the bed by myself)

I do my morning routine and get dressed in a plain long sleeve shirt and some shorts that were probably Owens, they were a bit loose but I made it work. I walk downstairs into the kitchen and sat down at the bar countertop only to see Cassius and Owen shirtless with bites all across their torso, neck and collarbones.

Ah.. Malachai's in rut

I grimace at the marks. "Does it hurt?" I tilt my head looking at the marks all over them, especially the scratch marks all over Cassius back.

The both of them looked at each other with smirks. "Well you get use to it so I'd say no because you're experiencing so much pleasure so you don't really realize it until you're finished." Cassius scratches the back of his head.

I watch Owen walk and he's literally limping. My eyes widen at that.

His eyes catch mine and I am quick to look away. He chuckles and slides a plate full of waffles my way.

"I'm fine Honeybee, it's going to wear off soon, I tend to heal very quickly." He shrugs and take a seat beside me.

I dig into my waffles and look around the kitchen awkwardly.

"It feels weird that Malchai isn't eating breakfast with us.." I sigh.

"I doubt he's worrying about breakfast, if anything he's worrying about how to get out of that room and scoop you up."

I feel my face heat up and I decided that a staring contest with my waffles would somewhat help me process those words.

Cassius took a seat beside Owen.

"Well yea, he isn't exactly wrong Averil, you're the only one he hasn't fucked so his need for you is times ten." Cassius blurts out.

I slap the uprising heat off of my face and look their way. "How do you guys talk so casual about sex like this?!" I gasp.

They look at each other and burst into laughter. "I guess it's because we have literally fucked everywhere in this house and were just use to having sex frequently." Owen shrugs and takes a bite of his waffles.

I nod understanding where he was coming from but what he said made me feel bad.. because I'm inexperienced. I always handled my heats with suppressants and about time I was the age that other teens started having sexual intercourse I wasn't as interested as the others was because suppressants did that.. they killed your arousal.

"I mean have you never as a teen talked to your friends about how you've jacked off before?" Cassius looks at me with his eyebrows raised.

"How sweet of you to assume I had friends..."

"Mmmmm, so our Averil was a little loner?" Owen teased bumping shoulders with me. I rolled my eyes. "I wore glasses and I was literally the definition of a nerd."

Cassius let out a shocked breath. "I definitely want to see you in glasses now." I scrunched up my face and shook my head quickly. "Yea no way, never ever."

A knock at the front door breaks us out of out conversation. Owen answers it and a woman appears with a work suitcase hooked under her arms she wore a fancy blouse and some slacks with office looking heels.

I feel myself draw back in the seat and glare at the woman.

That's literally that psychiatrist they were talking about..

"It's okay Baby, she's not anyone bad." Cassius tries to reassure me but I ignore him and continue to look at the lady.

She greets Owen with a smile and so does Owen with her. I watch both of them come to the kitchen from afar.

"Hello Averil! I'm Dr. Pen and I'll be your psychiatrist for some time." I felt my heart drop in my stomach and I slid my plate across the counter letting it smash to the floor.


I stormed away ignoring that my name was being called. I ran upstairs into the bedroom and slammed the door.

No fucking way no way in hell am I talking to that fucking lady.

"How are you feeling today Averil?" Dr Pen asks me.

I struggle to get out of Cassius lap cause he's literally pinning me down.

"I feel dandy as a sunflower." I obviously lie accepting the fact I wasn't going to get out of Cassius lap any time soon.

"I'm going to ask you a few questions and then were going to talk about your situation, okay?" I rolled my eyes.


She asked me stupid questions back to back I couldn't keep up with how many questions she was asking but I just know that I was getting tired of them.

Cassius was whispering praises in my ear trying to calm me down it was somewhat working.

While the lady was talking to me I turned around on Cassius lap and whispered in his ear.

"Cassy please, I don't want to do this anymore." I whined clutching his shoulders. He sighed and cupped my face in his hands.

"Dr Pen I think that's enough for today." Cassius lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Wait Mr Aslan— hold on—"

"Were done for today."


Sorry ive been gone for so long pookies! Ill be updating every weekend <3 practice got me burnt OUWT so yea! Luv yawl

Sorry ive been gone for so long pookies! Ill be updating every weekend <3 practice got me burnt OUWT so yea! Luv yawl

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