12: Relization

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Averil's pov.
It was another morning of me doing what ever the hell I had to do, my routine.. I've became to hate it because all on my mind were those three fucking vampires.

I rolled the pie crust out with my new rolling pin I have yet to use. I've decided to make apple pie for them as a thank you for helping me with my bruises.

Dane passed me and grabbed a beer from the fridge, and I was more than annoyed with his drinking. I was so close to mentioning rehab that it would be worth it just to get popped in the face just to give him a reality check.

"Damn you're baking again? I could've sworn you gained a little bit of weight, I say you back up from the sweets." He chuckles as he pops the beer bottle open.

His disrespectful behavior wasn't new but it made me laugh, full on cackled.. I think I was going insane, no I think I just had enough until the point I really just don't give two fucks.

He looks me up and down and scrunches up his face. "The hell are you laughing at?" He barked.

Oh look at him feeling threatened..

"I'm sorry Dane I'll just starve myself until I'm all bones so when you hit me you can pick an actual bone you want to break!" I suggested rather sarcastically.

He drew his fist back to hit me but the door bell rung. He squints his eyes down at me and pushes me out the way so he could answer the door.

It was Malachai. Dane almost choked off of his beer trying to say good morning. Malachai eyes slip to me but I continue to roll the dough for the pie out.

"We thought it would be nice if me and my mates hung out at your house since Averil is always around at ours." What he said almost made me choke on my saliva. Dane looked back at me and that one look told me all I needed to.

Dane allowed them in and I cleaned up his beer bottles and cigarettes in a hurry before they made it to the living room. Owen smiled at me but I ignored it, making sure I cleaned up in a hurry as he did a little tour of our house.

I looked in the chair cushions and found a paper.. it was a number and a note attached to it. '###-###-####- call me later baby;)- Klarissa 09/5/####' I gasped it was ever since last year, how long has he been cheating.. I have no room to speak but he was cheating on me ever since he engaged or was our relationship never real?

I shove the note in my pocket and grab the small bag with all the trash from the living room into it and threw it in the trash bag in the kitchen.

"And this is our kitchen, and my lovely mate.." he spread his arms out towards me. I walked away completely ignoring when he called my name.

I made my way into our bedroom bathroom. I grab my hair tie and tie my hair back in a ponytail.

I looked in the mirror with a frown.

Is there something wrong with me? Am I not enough for that asshole?

I pull the note back out and read it over and over again. I shove it back in my pocket and once I calmed down I walk back into the bedroom to see Dane storming in with the most pissed face ever.

I went to talk but he grabbed my arm and shoved me into the wall making me let out a small cry. "What the hell was that? You made me look like a fucking fool!" He whispered yell kneeling down by my side.

I hold my arm in pain. "I'm sorry.. I just found a note and it had some lady's number and.."


He slapped me and dug into my pockets looking for the paper. "Don't go lingering in my fucking things slut." He spat standing up and kicked my stomach making me fall over and curl into a ball.

I wanted to scream and fight back but in this moment I felt so defeated.

With that he opened the room door leaving and shut it back gently. "He's fine he's just having problems, y'know omegas!" His voice faded as he left the room.

I decided to get up once the pain subsided, I looked into the bathroom mirror to see that my face was slightly swollen but not a whole lot.

I added a bit of makeup that Kim bought for me for bruises like this, I was so. Grateful for her.

Once I finished applying light concealer to the bruise I patted it out and cleaned any excess makeup on my hands.

I left the bedroom and went back into the kitchen trying to slip through without them seeing me but I failed, like always. Owen and Cassius followed me into the kitchen.

"I like when your hair is up, we can see your face much more better." Owen hummed. I thanked him and cleaned up. I didn't want to make pie anymore.

Matter of fact I didn't want to be with Dane anymore as well..

"Pup, what's wrong?" Cassius came behind me with his hands holding my waist. I turned around and hugged him inhaling his scent, it was like wood carvings and a pine smell.. delicious.

It made me feel much better.

Owen sandwiched me in between the both of them and I basked in their touch.

I clenched his shirt in my hands.

"I want to scent you guys so bad.." I whined trying my best to reach the height of Cassius so I could rub our necks together.

Owen held me down from doing so. "No, angel.. you're not in the right mindset." I whined once more attempting to rub me and Owens neck together.

I needed them to smell like me.. not their own scents so other omegas and alphas can look at them.. no way.

Dane was too busy talking to Malchai, and there were walls blocking the living room from the kitchen so there was no way of being caught.

And I could care less about him, I didn't feel bad for cheating on him anymore, realization hit because he obviously didn't feel bad for cheating on me.

I smelled an even muskier scent.

"Yea that guy definitely cannot handle his beer.." Malachai came in the kitchen with beer bottles in his arms. He places them on the counter and looks at the three of us with an expecting gaze.

"He needed us, Babe he was basically begging for a hug." Owen tried to make an excuse onto why we were such close proximity in Dane's house..

Malachai sighed. "Cassius get your hands off of his ass, and Owen move your neck from his.. and Averil..? Go get their scent off of you right now."

I scurry away from them not trying to get caught into Malachai's scolding session.

I peak into the living room to see Dane passed out with a flushed face and an empty beer bottle by his side.


I have nothing to do with my life other than write

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I have nothing to do with my life other than write..

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